The first version was edited with RT, the second with dt. In RT I used color propagation as the highlights reconstruction method. And I think I also added the graduated filter. I think the result is quite acceptable. However, I struggeled a lot with dt and I could not achieve a better result. And the sky kind of looks terrible. Tried both old and new highlights reconstruction. Can anybody achieve a better result with dt?
yes, it is again a problem with the sky, but it is different. In the first playraw of this series I actually could find a more or less satisfactory edit with dt. That solution does not work here, however. @elstoc 's edit is almost perfect but fact is, LCh reconstruction does not work here, because the clouds look somehow dirty next to the blue sky. Some of the blue sky should shine through the clouds and give the clouds a cooler tone. But unfortunately “reconstruct in color” produces artifacts.
I think there is also a color recontruction module but I did not have a closer look at it yet.
LCh reconstruction does seem to give back more details, but I agree that you need to start using other modules to attenuate some of the side-effects that it produces.
I’ve “played around” with the colour reconstruction module for blown out parts in the past, but did not like the results at all; The end-result tends to look to fabricated. Maybe I need to spend more time with this specific module.
But in the end all this can be avoided by not over exposing parts of the image to begin with
I have learnt much since my last failed attempt at your highlights. I found Lch reconstruction to give a good result, even better than the new filmic. Trickiest part was masking exposure out and dealing with fringes. Hard to appreciate just how good some of the edits (and tools) are here until you see the raw.
Yes, reconstruct color in highlight reconstruction module. Very often it produces lines and a network of lines in recovered areas, and that was the case this time as well, but I used a low pass filter over it to blur them. I didn’t spend too much time on fine processing, which can be seen in the clouds. I think the highlight reconstruction (part color reconstruction) module is the weakest point of the darktable and needs to be improved. It should works likes color propagation in rawtherapee, and it would work that way without those emerging lines.
Never been there so I colored the greens based upon your edits, @betazoid. I like the direction that @dekao has taken, though. Exceedingly challenging sky, I think. I have more to learn before I’ll get this right. I appreciate your sharing this shot, Anna.
I haven’t had much success with the new Filmic reconstruction option. I’ve worked through various combinations of settings and can’t see much of a change in results… Admittedly, I still have much to learn.
Here’s my attempt. I couldn’t pull out the could detail from the Filmic reconstruction tab as it’s contrast mask would imply, so I tried culling some texture using the contrast equalizer with a parametric mask.