I have 800 pairs of images that I want to join so that instead of having 1600 photos I have 800. So image 1+2, image 3+4, image 5+6 etc.
How can I do this using rawtherapee or any other program in a manner that doesn’t take much time nor degrade quality? I tried some bash code but they degrade the quality too much and my experience with bash has been a few hours only
If they are saved in a lossy compression format (e.g. JPEG), you will either have more or less quality loss or end up with very large files. This is due to the fact, that you will have to apply a lossy compression step a second time to keep the file size reasonable. If you can live with a little quality loss and /or some increase in file size you could for example recompress the images into a new JPEG. This can be done in the shell and options for compression quality can be set.
If you have a lossless format (e.g. TIFF), there will be no problem to reencode the images.
Question - I’m almost there but I can’t seem to get the for statement working as I want it to
This is what I had written
for index in $(seq 1 2 10)
montage -adjoin -quality 100 -background none -geometry +0+0 $index.jpg
Now what happens is that if there are more than 2 images, the combined image keeps on combining the other pairs so that it has 4 images combined, and then 8 and then 12 and keeps on getting bigger and bigger
As for the for statement, what you are currently doing is repeating the montage action and adding your output file in every next iteration. This will gobble up your memory and disk space fast. Instead, the image pairs should be replacing rose: and logo: in my example and the result filename should also be changing. My bash is a little rusty so I will let someone else help you with that.
PSmagick is IM7’s convert, so if you are using IM6, do
The way you used $index makes montage only use it as a target, meaning you did not specify the source files, so montage uses all the files it finds as source and explodes when you run out of RAM. Instead, if you refer to the ridiculously long documentation I linked to in my previous post, you should specify the source files first, and the target file last. So change:
for index in $(seq 1 2 10); do
montage -adjoin -quality 100 -background none -geometry +0+0 $index.jpg
for i in {1..100..2}; do
montage -quality 92 -background white -tile 2x1 -geometry +0+0 "${i}.jpg" "$((i+1)).jpg" "output_${i}-$((i+1)).jpg"