Improve window look

After seeing all your approaches and tips (thanks!), I think taking just one photo using a flash to fill in the shadows is the best method (considering the time and storage spent). Eventually, an HDR photo will be needed, but dealing with an HDR photo at 30 is still less time-consuming than dealing with 30 HDR photos :).

This is a photo I took for a customer in a hurry using the “flash” method:

As always, any suggestions will be appreciated! :slightly_smiling_face:

IMG_2104.dng (30.2 MB) IMG_2104.dng.xmp (12.6 KB)

Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License .

Digikam did not write the correct information in the DNG file. It was ISO 400, f/9. Any way, thanks for the explanation :).

RawTherapee Dev

IMG_2104-1.jpg.out.pp3 (21.1 KB)

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Thanks for your submission! :slightly_smiling_face: