Is there FOSS video editing software?

I am starting to use gnome-mpv instead of VLC.

I am wondering why people love mpv. Is it any better than VLC or QtAV?

I’ve never tried QtAV but mpv has better-feeling seeking than VLC.

Last time I checked VLC didn’t support display profiles which mpv (and mplayer which it’s based on) does.

$ cat ~/.config/mpv/mpv.conf 

Another benefit is that it comes without a GUI and starts quickly. So in essence it’s a better mplayer.


I am testing it to see that exactly.

olive video editor




Resurrecting an old thread: Does there exist a for video editing? I don’t want to muck up this forum with too many of those questions if they really don’t belong here. Specifically, I’m taking a look at Shotcut because of its editing abilities, and I’d like to browse some reliable information and Q&A feedback before I take the plunge. Currently, I’m using a NCH Videopad, which is free but non-FOSS. Thank you.

1 Like already touches the video world with accommodating natron. So at least some video related people are active here.

If there is another more video centric place with similar spirit I would of course love to hear from it.

And where is the for audio/music production? I checked but did not succeed :wink:.

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I think a lot of the other communities are tool-centric. @frd is heavily involved with kdenlive, maybe he can say.

I think the same is true for audio, very tool-centric. @hellocatfood does some production though. Maybe he can comment.

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Hm, probably the same was true regarding photography before Pat came to unite and others stepped in, e.g. you … I really think this ( is a huge success story and would wish for more such success stories :wink:.


Shotcut has its own forum:

I would like to also have a video focused floss forum, maybe here is the place to do it. Also you have this subreddit (not very active):

Kdenlive has a forum, but it isn’t very user friendly, so you might want to use the telegram group: Telegram: Contact @kdenlive


Good to know, thanks! Sometimes I’m a little leery of information I get directly on a product forum, but this one looks ok from what I can tell. It even uses the same forum software as :grinning:

I think the same is true for audio, very tool-centric. @hellocatfood does some production though. Maybe he can comment.

For music there’s lots of general music production websites such as lines: and KVR Audio They’re welcoming to discussion around open source software so just start a discussion. There’s also Linux musicians it’s dedicated to open source but gets less traffic so you might not get an answer to your questions quickly.


That’s a good question: should we reach out more to various video/film projects and see if they’d like to join? I feel like they have enough in common with what many do here (cinematographers, film makers, other creatives and techno-nerds).

I know I’ve learned a literal ton of new things since so many smart folks have taken the time to share with everyone here…


I think we should reach out to KDE people as well, they create Kdenlive and digiKam after all.

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I can point the Kdenlive community to here if this becomes a video forum as well… better than r/kdenlive :wink:

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Olive is a professional open-source video editor. :slight_smile:

How would you organize it? A video category with all the programs listed: Cinelerras, Kdenlive, Olive, Openshot, Pitivi, Shotcut, etc…

That’s a good question. We’ve already got a Software category that technically they could all fit in, but it might make sense to have a /video/ category possibly? I’m open to suggestions!