I've created a new software to cull and pick raw photos.

I will be trying this out. I’m on an “aging” machine, so I’m hoping this will be faster than loading into Darktable and culling from there, and only loading the RAW I actually want to work with into DT.

Thanks for the trying.

It is.
I’m using it on an old 2010 i3 notebook(but with 12GB) and it runs smoothly and fast.
EDIT: Ubuntu 20.04 here

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Hi, on Mac 10.13.6 crash (as previous versions) when selecting folder. Here is he report. Hope it can help the soft development, will keep testing future versions

Thanks for the feedback.

Could you identify the camera model of the causing issue raw file pls?

BTW, is your macbook ARM-based or Intel-based?

I’ve created a issue for this: crash on macOS 10.13.6 · Issue #27 · RawLabo/QuickRawPicker · GitHub

Camera: Nikon D810. Macbook: intel-based

That is weird. Could you try this raw file: D810 raw file from dpreview?
Pls put this raw file in a single folder.

Done, I created a new folder in Pictures (Test) put the new file and try to open. Crash. Here is the new report. Later today I will try on iMac with OS Big Sur

Good news, on the iMac/OS 11.5.1the soft is working. Thus the problem I have seems to be related to the MacBook Pro and/or the old OS. If I find the problem will report here

Thanks a lot. I’ll also try it in a legacy version of macOS.

@zurdo I’ve figured out the problem for causing this issue, it’ll be fixed in next release. After the fix, QuickRawPicker can support the macOS versions >= 10.12

Great, thank you for sharing this soft. Keep it going !!!

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A new version v0.1.17 is released. It has been tested in macOS 10.12.6 Intel and macOS 11 ARM.

I just tested on Mac OS 10.13.6 and is also working, nice!!!

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A new version v0.2.0 is released.

  • UI changed
  • add pin menu button
  • replace photo frame with chocolate photo background
  • add new version detection
  • remove unused logging functions


Nice article.

I uses value' = pow(value, 1.0 / gamma) to render the pixel in the software. So which word do you recommend that I should use?

What it is is a transfer function, what is does is a brightness adjustment. So, depending what you want to stress (functionality vs. mean), I think these are your two choices.

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A new version v0.2.1 is released. Reloading cached photos are much faster and 4k screen users can adjust the UI scale now.

  • fix slow display of cached photos
  • add UI scale

QuickRawPicker now has a automatic build action in Github. Every commit will generate a new nightly build by Github Action.

The nightly build can be downloaded here: https://github.com/qdwang/QuickRawPicker/releases/tag/nightly

The naming rule is:
QuickRawPicker-{latest stable version tag}-{commits since last stable version}-{current commit hash}-{OS}.zip