I've created a new software to cull and pick raw photos.

QuickRawPicker is a free and open source program that lets you cull, pick or rate raw photos captured by your camera or mobile. It is also compatible with the XMP sidecar file used by Adobe Bridge/Lightroom/Darktable or PP3 sidecar file used by Rawtherapee.

The project is here: https://github.com/qdwang/QuickRawPicker


  • Compare multiple (up to 100) photos of multiple scales at the same time.
  • Read XMP rating score from the raw file, sidecar .xmp file or .pp3 file.
  • Write XMP or PP3 rating score to sidecar .xmp or .pp3 file.
  • Adjust EV and shift Gamma.
  • Draw highlight area and shadow area.
  • Display as 16 bit texture on screen.
  • Color space setting available.
  • Export marked photos by copying.
  • Display AF point for different cameras’ raw files, including Sony, Panasonic, Canon, Nikon, Olympus.

Here are two workflow demos:

  1. By marking and exporting
  2. By rating xmp

This looks very cool! Welcome to the forum and thank you for sharing.

Looks really really nice! I’ve been looking for a simple and fast culling program with easy rating options! I will try that out.

What you call “exporting” is simply copying the marked RAW files to another folder? (without any modification)

Looks really promising. Is this displaying the actual raw with a linear curve similar to fastrawviewer for a more accurate cull or is it showing jpeg or raw with more typical film curve like Lightroom gives you?

Thanks for sharing! This is cool!
It runs flawlessly and fast in Ubuntu 20.04, so far (just opened a few nefs, though)
It would be nice for laymen like me if you add instructions on how to compile.
EDIT: @qdwang i have a question. In darktable, this image shows raw clipping:

However, in QRP it doesn’t:

What am I doing wrong?

EDIT 2: Found it: the H and S shows/hides highlights/shadows clipping.
However, still doesn’t match darktable:

EDIT 3: I increased EV to 0.1 and then I get a consistent result if compared to darktable:

In case you want the raw file:
DSC_8522.nef (24.4 MB)

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Thanks, I’m glad to be here. :grinning:

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Exactly. Just copying, without any modification.

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It displays actual raw file with linear curve by default, but you can change gamma on the fly. As an example, you can bring gamma down to 1.8 and increase EV to 0.5 to make it more like the tone in thumbnail.

So far, I have hard-coded the highlight range as the top 1% brightest area. So it may not result in the same clipping as the darktable. Later I will add an option to the settings to allow the user to adjust this parameter.

Another different is that a RGB to luminance formula is used in highlight/shadow area display.

0.2627 * color.r + 0.6780 * color.g + 0.0593 * color.b

So it’s more human eye orientated. I might change this or put it in the settings in the future.

About the compilation manual, I’ll add a doc for it when it’s more stable.

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Thanks for sharing. I tried it with Fuji RAF files, and the preview on the left works fine. When I try to compare, it starts loading and then turns black

QuickRawPicker.app is damaged and cannot be opened. You should move it to the trash.

Does not it work with macOS Sierra?
Schermata 2021-07-30 alle 17.03.18

I’ll check the Fuji RAF issue tomorrow, could you upload one raw file here pls? Thanks.

Sorry for the alert, but Apple asks developers to pay $99 per year to cancel this file is damaged alert.

To fix the file is damaged problem.
You can run
xattr -dr com.apple.quarantine QuickRawPicker.app
under the QuickRawPicker.app folder in terminal.
This command should not ask for your admin permission. So it’s safe to use it.

For more info, pls check here: https://disable-gatekeeper.github.io/

DSCF9534.RAF (19.7 MB)
Image licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0

We have a whole catalog of raw files you can use for testing at https://raw.pixls.us


It seems I have no problem to open the X-T20 raw files.

It may caused by the incompatible GLES 3 version with your graphics card or graphics drivers.
Which graphics card do you use?

Integrated graphics. I3 8100, Windows 10

Thanks for the info. I’ll try to adjust the gles version fix the compatibility issue.

Thanks, now I can open the program but not make it work, no image opens and sometimes the program crashes if I click on Select Current Folder.

i like this very much!