Intro: I’m a long time happy RawTherapee user, which I use exclusively and pretty extensively. I also test and compare a lot of other similar software (including paid ones), but always find that I like RawTherapee more, for a variety of reasons. I heard about ART but always thought that RawTherapee is already good and I don’t need some tweaked version of it.
But recently I finally gave ART a try and I was really surprised how good it is! For me, for the way I edit my photos - it really feels as a clear improvement for RawTherapee.
To be more precise, here is a list of the features I really liked, with explanations:
- Tone Equalizer:
Working with big dynamic range is somewhat difficult for me in RawTherapee, it’s maybe the only real problem I currently have with RT. I always spend a lot of time trying different methods, sometimes they work well, but sometimes I feel unable to get the result I want. Now with Tone Equalizer it is so surprisingly simple, the process is very meaningful (like just lift shadows, darken highlights, shift midtones, etc.) and the result looks very good.
This feature is so tempting to use all the time, but I feel like it should be used accurately, because it still may produce halos (usually dark ones on the darker objects close to the border with brighter objects, which is better than the opposite type of halos - bright ones). Still, it produces much less halos/artifacts than “Shadows/Highlights” module from RT, it’s more capable and gives overall much better result.
It is easy to tweak the affected range by exposure comp. and check it by the tonal map. I think the reason why it works so well is because it is applied before tone curve (as opposed to S/H from RT) and it kinda compresses/stretches corresponding tonalities. I was so impressed by it that I went and checked its source code - turns out it’s only about 350 lines, just magic… Also, it is fast and doesn’t require 100% zoom for the accurate result as opposed to “Tone Mapping” and “Dynamic Range Compression” from RT (which is extremely inconvenient at times).
It covers like 95% of HDR cases for me, add “Dynamic Range Compression” (ART has it too) for the other 5% and I’m good to go.
Local Contrast curve:
I’ve found, that the type of curve like below on the screenshot gives very nice boost in small contrast/details, while not producing to much of noticeable halos. I can’t get the same result with the only radius slider in RT.
Haze Removal curve:
Again it’s just more powerful, and so yields better result. -
Channel Mixer Primes correction mode:
If you use Channel Mixer not only for B&W mapping, it’s just ten times more convenient in this mode.
I didn’t get into / test other tempting features yet (such as masks or log tone mapping, for example), maybe some of them will be useful for me as well, as an additional bonus. And other stuff like some clutter removed is good as well, though for me personally it has never been a problem in RT.
I just wanted to share my surprisingly good experience with ART, which was completely unexpected for me. I’m still experimenting with it, but I feel like I’m switching to exclusively use ART now instead of RT. If you like me - using RawTherapee and like it, I urge you to try ART, maybe you will be pleasingly surprised!
Thank you for your attention!
p.s. I would like to express my gratitude to all the people involved in development of RawTherapee and ART - your work is simply amazing!