JPG Export doesnt match DT Screen colours

Hi All - I’m sure this is me being new and having a skill for getting things wrong, however I have just exported a JPG file from DT as a ‘test’ i’m doing and noticed the blue colour is a mile away from the on screen colour in DT. Would there be a good explanation as to why this is the case?

Screen shot is the best way to show it - RHS is the JPG in windows ‘photos’ and the LHS is the DT Darkroom screen - I dont have any styles or anything set in export and profile and intent is set as ‘image settings’

Not sure I would trust Win Photos … If you export to sRGB and use something that is color managed they should match up… you can import your jpg back into DT does it match there?? Then try using something like this instead or GImp FastStone Image Viewer - Powerful and Intuitive Photo Viewer, Editor and Batch Converter. You just need to go into preferences for FSviewer and turn on color management… set it to your monitor profile or leave it on system and it should be okay too as long as you have the correct profile setup for your OS…

The darktable image is showing the display profile. If the export is to sRBG, then it could look different. Click on the SoftProof button to see the image in the sRBG (or whatever softproof profile you select via right click on that button)


That interesting you say this. I just had an exchange with a dev on this and I was told that the softproofing just swaps out the histogram profile so that appropriate gamut can be displayed. I had asked because I thought there was an interaction with the display profile and you would see some effect on the screen. In fact I thought I recalled that it swapped the display profile. I had thought maybe my monitor was so close to sRGB that is why I did not see it…but then I put in a ridiculous profile for the display and then turned on softproofing and as he described the histogram changes but nothing on the display…

It will be interesting to see… what others have to say…perhaps i am just missing something…from what you show I would expect you to see nothing when you set softproofing on as you also already have the histogram set to srgb so it wont change or update one would expect…

This is what the manual says:

Ya that was my expectation but I think different from what I am seeing on my system and not how I interpreted Dan’s remarks… ( @dtorop )

Taken from here…my OP is above and I had a follow up to him… but not a response yet…

Hi @5teve, be advised that the Windows photo software doesn’t take into account the embedded color profile. I ran into this some time ago. (doesn’t apply anymore to Microsoft Fotos 2022.30070.26007.0 on current Windows 10 21H2 - see post #50) As a free photo viewer that supports correct color rendering, I can recommend Irfanview. Cheers, Lars.

And from all this, the only thing that you can be certain about is
that you will never know on what your images will be shown
– or how they will look.

Depressing, eh?

Have fun!
Claes in Lund, Sweden


I have tested the issue of how my images would display after export from DT by opening the created tiff file in GIMP and displaying side by side on the same monitor. DT faithfully exported the image on my windows computer.

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Which software? “Windows Photo Viewer” on my Windows 8.1 laptop does take the embedded ICC colour profile into account.

The OP doesn’t give enough information to guess what the problem is. For example, if image colours are outside the gamut of the monitor, then darktable and the viewer may (probably will) use different methods to bring the colours inside the gamut.

Hi Todd

I will try in DT or another software - I actually noticed the issue in Chrome when posting in DPR (different subject matter) I just thought it was me but then when I looked its obvious that the post in Chrome didnt match so I opened in Photo’s (windows default viewer) and it was a clear mismatch there too. Neither On1, C1 or LR had the same issue, so again I figured it was me being stupid and being new to DT. Export is as follows:-
Profile - image settings
Intent - Image settings
Style - None

Monitors are calibrated using spyder xpro 5.6 and look fine to my amateur eye. My issue is that what I see in DT should be what everyone else sees in the JPG regardless of what they see them in… or at least thats my simplistic view and take on it and what i’m used to expecting being a long time LR user. I’ll do some more testing as time allows - thanks for the response


Hi Gman - yes that is how my DT is set up. Click the softproof button and I seen no change at all - so assume all is good there? This kind of thing is very new to me… hence me assuming user error.


If this is the case then why do the other raw processors have no matching issue with JPG export when viewed in photos (or in Chrome) - thats a genuine question… not being smart… I can view the images in a multitude of apps, but as most of mine are shared via google photos (family photos) or posted I have no control over how people view them… as already mentioned I would expect JPG output to match raw processor display and expect if its viewed on smae machine it would look the same… but I am simplistic like that :slight_smile:


Hi Claes

Yes I agree… at least I can see the image looks different on my own machine prior to sharing. Mind you on the same count I have no control over the calibration of others screens either… so same argument could apply. At least i would like them to match prior to me sending!


Maybe TiFF are different, or certainly GIMP may display it correctly… or should I say differently to standard apps - however as mentioned I have no control over what app they are viewed in, and expect people to use basic windows software, a standard browser or a phone (browser).


Have you tested colour management in the browser?
Some sites:

I’m not sure what more info I can give being non too technical compared to others on this forum. I am new to DT but not Lightroom. I’ve shown the issue and stated no profiles or styles etc are applied on export. My experience is that the output always matches the screen in the raw processor hence me asking the question.

I originally noticed the issue in Chrome. Tried in "photos’ and had the same problem.

I have tried playing with the softproofing in DT and see no discernable difference when softproofing is on.

The installation is new - minimal images, a single script running that applies the relavent styles and LUT based on the Camera film sim used (Its a fuji) - Not many tweaks to the image either. Denoise, exposure, white balance and a bit of velvia.

Monitors are calibrated using a spyder x Pro.

If you need more info, then please advise and I will post what I can


Thanks for the links - I will take a look, however as I have mentioned all the exports from other RAW processors match even in chrome.


Can you post a raw + XMP + processed image?

I will have a look on my system to test. Maybe there is a bug. It would likely be tomorrow.