JPG Export doesnt match DT Screen colours

To make things easier as requested by @kofa I have attached the RAF, XMP (hopefully the DT one as several apps have been using the rafs) and the export. Interestingly I dont see much difference in the skin tone… but the blues are dramatically different on the JPG

20220807-X-T4-DSCF1719.RAF (28.0 MB)
20220807-X-T4-DSCF1719.RAF.xmp (8.2 KB)

I think the raw files failed to upload. I happens with large files. Can you try again?

Fixed - Thanks :slight_smile:

I thought it was fixed but there was an issue in DT with some display profiles. This happened due to the way DT processed pixel data . The data went through the display driver. Maybe your Spyder profile is doing something in this way. I think this was fixed. You could try just using the default profile for your monitor. and see how that looks…thinking on this is your Spyder profile in the dt color out config location…you might want to confirm that. Finally there are setting in preferences that affect the preview or potentially and they will not be in the export processing… You could review these to see what your settings are… One is prefer performance over quality…

Can you test his image on your system?

Getting ready for vacation but I will try… :slight_smile:

I don’t have the LUT used and its also placed before the input profile so out of default order…not sure if that alters anything in the end… I will see if I can track down the LUT or the OP can also share that…

Thanks, but we’d also need the 3D LUT Fuji XTrans V8/provia.png that you used.
Update: is it this one?

After adding that LUT, and exporting the image, importing the newly exported JPG into darktable, creating a snapshot and comparing it with the raw I see no difference:

However, comparing it with your JPG, there is an obvious change:

So maybe your export settings are wrong. Do you perhaps have something (e.g. an auto-applied style) in your export settings?

I’m on Linux, darktable 4.1.0+207~gbcb17f4dd (from the master branch).

Here’s my JPG, for reference:

To add …I am on windows… here is my jpg in Farstone… beside DT…the grey border is not the same but shouldn’t impact perception …pretty close although I am not great with color… the DT one might be a tad darker???

My exported JPG

Just one last thought here… I notice that in farstone it is color managed but it uses the OS system profile…so whatever is set there. This could be the same for many other software and indeed maybe some of the other software you mentioned was in sync with this… Depending on how you have it set in DT as it can manage its own color without the OS you could have a slight mismatch.

Just thinking out loud and maybe you have this set up but if not perhaps be sure your icc from the Spyder is in the config/color/out folder for DT and then be sure that is what is set for your display profile and then make sure the OS CM is also set to use this … That way all apps should use the same color profile for your display…

This won’t help how others see your image but might remove a mismatch on your end…

As I said you may have all this covered so ignore if so…

Hi @snibgo,

let me give some side notes to my post, that you referred to: since @5teve wrote Windows “photo” in his initial post, I assumed and referenced to Windows “photo” which is the default photo viewing app on Windows 10 (no longer the older Windows Photo Viewer that you mentioned).

In the context of a former discussion about Web-Browsers not taking into account the embedded icc profile of a JPG (sorry that I don’t remember if it was here or in a different forum, thus not able to provide a link), there was also mentioned that Windows “photo” also doesn’t take into account the embedded profile.
Also for this I don’t remember more details, but this 100% matched with my experience: viewing the same DT-exported JPG side-by-side with Windows “photo” / Gimp / Irfanview (enabled for color managed view) and with the darkroom view in DT I see that only Windows “photo” renders the picture completely different with respect to its color and contrast. In GIMP and Irfanview I can see that the sRGB profile was embedded in the JPG.

What I didn’t know is the bug mentioned by @priort that DT has / had a profile-related bug leading to a wrong export-rendering (as far as I understood his post). So I’m curious if this issue is still present in DT 4.0 and also applies to my computer. I also have a color-managed system using SpyderX with the dedicated output profiles applied on all attached screens (in DT as output profile and in the Windows system managed by the Spyder software). So the output profiles match in Windows and DT.

Perhaps we need to dig a little deeper into this :slight_smile:


You can grab one of the printer profiles from this website:

I like to print in lustre paper, so I use that profile in my softproof to see how it will look when printed. I tested it and I see the colors in my screen changing when I press the softproof button. Just like the manual describes.

So these are two different programs. Good old Microsoft has replaced one fairly good program with an inferior one.

My usual test for “Does this program regard embedded ICC profiles” is redblue.jpg:

If a viewer shows the words in red and blue colours, then it regards the embedded profile. If the words are green and red, then it ignores the profile.


I think that looking for a problem with the display profile is a false path: the JPG export in JPG Export doesnt match DT Screen colours - #21 by 5teve is different from what I got, and the difference between the two is, I think, the same as the difference originally reported between the darkroom view and the exported file.

Maybe my exported JPG matches the darkroom view because I used a more recent development version and some bug has been fixed. Alternatively, there is a difference in the export settings.

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Lars I will try to go back…basically DT processes it’s data throught the display profile and so some lut based and other I’ll constructed profiles could cause issues… I think it is fixed…

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You could be right but given that you can have a mix of apps that have no color management, color management based on a system profile set in the OS and then color management based at the level of the individual application I think you really need to be certain that all apps in the comparison are using the the same profile to create the display preview… It might not be the case in the situation shown by the OP… My jpg and the darkroom preview were a bit off …not much but I use a different display profile I think than my OS… When I set the display profile to system rather than what I use then my exported jpg looked bang on with the Windows viewers I tested likely due to the fact that they use the OS settings … at least that is what it looks like in my case on the hardware/software config that I have…


Sorry yes it was thos LUTS… thanks for looking at it


Thank you. I’m on windows as mentioned. I have checked my export settings and are all default as I hadnt really played with the export side while ‘learning’ my way around.

Yours are as I would expect. especially if I am reimporting to DT. However I have tried the reimport and its as attached.

DT Colour1

So I have lots more to try from the thread… obviously something wierd about my setup… of my complete incompetance, however from a lamens point of view - what is exported should match what is on screen and show show the same regardless of app used on anyones PC (excluding calibration issues of cours)

Appreciate you looking at this… the help on here is very technical and enthusiastic


Hi Todd

On my machine and screens your DT is kinda vivid blue like mine, the JPG is flat like mine too… the blues are a long way out to my eyes. Same issue. Could be my eyes though. If I’m assuming correctly that your description is LH top image - DT with default processing and RHS rear is Fastone with YOUR jpg output… it looks a similar issue to mine, based on what I can see. Curious to know if this may be a windows issue… Appreciate your efforts to look at this, given your time constaints


What is you output profile (in the output module)?