Just a heads up --- Discourse 2.8.0


I know. Over time I have set it up exactly the way I wanted it and see this new, unwanted behaviour ever since 2.8.0 was rolled out. I tried re-setting options, deleting and re-adding favourites. To no avail.

Are you aware of any changes that are consciously made to this section on discourse? By the developers that is.

Hm, looks good now, sorry for the noise. The new plugin for the PlayRaw layout requires a new domain to be accessible (unpkg.com) which was blocked by my js blocker initially.

plugin is disabled until this is resolved.

If you are referring to the plugin of the play raw category, there’s no issue, only my stupidity of not checking the js blocker. As unpkg.com seems to be some kind of cdn, I guess it’s OK.

yeah well i want to understand it anyway. i might just patch the theme component to use a local copy of that file. we try to stay with local files where possible.


I uploaded an image of a bird and it gets resized to 1920x from 1950x.

PS - Not only is there resizing but there is also compression/smoothing. I cropped the bird to 1920x1280, opened it from the post editor and compared it to the original in Firefox.

i think they always ran some optimizations on images.

Would you mind sharing the dimension and size limits before they trigger a, b and c…? That would help those of us who would like to show technical images or have our Play Raw entries undisturbed.


Are you talking about this?:

Because if it is, according to the discourse developers you should be able to tweak the quality of the reencoding, and disable the rescaling of bigger images, if needed.

I would test a default quality parameter around 90-95. At least that would preserve enough quality to make the detail loss almost imperceptible.

This doesn’t look great…

Just dismiss it and move on?

That could be the answer to everything besides 47. My feedback is I like the pinned format more than this. Food for thought.

That is a globally pinned post.

:thinking: I haven’t seen it like that before. I think the pinned message, e.g., for Welcome to PIXLS.US Discussion is much nicer. I.e., it has the author’s profile picture and tapers the message at the bottom with an ellipsis rather than what we see in the screen clip seen above.

yeah the size of that pinned post is a bit excessive

a simple “natron 2.4.3 is out, important details in this post” would be much more useful.

edit: it isnt even a pinned post. it is a banner.

For the natron team could we convert that at least into a pinned post?

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Banner. That is what I thought. Thanks for clarifying.

I concur: please don’t use this method to force ‘news’ on everyone. I would be sort of okay if it only appeared on the main page, but it is present as a banner/header for every thread. Also, it’s not immediately apparent as something dismissable; there is no hint to indicate why this message appears and what importance it holds.

There was a large X in the upper right corner for me.

Yes, the X is there. My point is that the whole box didn’t immediately trigger me to understand what it was and that it was something I could / needed to dismiss. To be honest, I first thought it was a bug in the forum that something like this popped up, because it looked like a post gone rogue.
Maybe if it had a title, or a border, or something else to set it apart from the rest of the flow it would be more obvious.

This “informational” is about Natron. Natron is and has been on my muted list and I still get to see this ugly big thing.

Might also hook into my previous reply about the notification system (still) not working correctly since the update…