Libre Graphics Meeting 2025


Apparently huge excitement and interest here.

Its the holidays, people are busy.

There is by the way a little typo in the flyer:

I’m sure it has to be 18 December 2024

Logistics wise, would seam feasible to attend for me. :slight_smile: Any idea if there will be (interest for) some photographic supporting programme around the event?

I will be there, probably with one or two workshops about ART, digikam and media library assistant for wordpress.

Just to brainstorm and get a better feeling about it, in case you think about attending LGM:

Which Format/Topic Would You Potentially be Interested to Attend? (Target group: usability laypersons)
  • Presentation: Intro to UX/Usability Evaluation Methods (Focusing on Expert Introspection and User Testing)
  • Workshop: Conduct a Heuristic Evaluation of your/an Application to Find Potential Usability Issues
  • Workshop: Run a Small Usability Test to Find Usability Issues
  • I’m not Interested in Any of the Above
0 voters
Your Interest in a Photo Trip?
  • Parallel to LGM in NĂĽrnberg (e.g., in the evening)
  • City Trip Before or after LGM in the surroundings (e.g., Ansbach, Crailsheim, DinkelsbĂĽhl, FĂĽrth, …; 100/200km)
  • Before or after LGM in the surroundings (e.g., Fränkische Schweiz, Nature Reserve Reusenberg, …; 100/200km)
  • I prefer another trip (please specify below)
  • Not interested in a photo trip
0 voters

It’s close enough to my home to attend. I’d love to come, and possibly even contribute if possible. Not sure what I can contribute, though.

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As responses are rather low here, does anyone (maybe having been at LGM before) have an idea how many people to expect for LGM? And any info about the location in Nuernberg?

I created a pull request to get it fixed.

Maybe some background about audio (for FOSS developer)?

Gladly. Is there a particular topic you’d be interested in?

Not really. Personally I would probably be most interested in the usability/HCI perspective. But for the target group of LGM I could imagine (pure speculation here) that a talk titled “The 101 of audio – 10 things every dev should know” could spark some interest. Or something more applied (covering usage of pipewire, alsa, …).

Well there was one workshop about Kdenlive a few years ago at LGM but Idoubt audio is an appropriate topic for a graphics conference.

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I believe it depends on the contents. If it is relevant for graphic FOSS devs, why not. A title like “11 Things Graphics can Learn from Audio” or “The Basics of Auditive Feedback for (Graphics) Applications” would sound very fitting to me. :slight_smile:
IMHO key is fitting the contents to the target audience (of graphics devs/contributors/users). The topic of UX/usability tests is also different to graphics and still there seems to be a – at least very small :wink: – interest.

I’ve started building a little GPU-only raw developer as a fun side project. Unfortunately, it’s not far enough along to show anything useful. And I don’t even know if it’ll ever come to a complete enough state to be more than a learning experience.

Seeing Sigmoid in real time is neat, though :grin:.

LGM is not a trade show. You don’t have to show anything. Just talk about what you have learnt, what was good and where you failed.

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Well, so far I have ported Sigmoid, Color Calibration, and the Tone EQ into one big fragment shader, with a few bits and bobs of PySide and QML around it to render a user interface.

This can currently edit a 24 MP file in full resolution at 60 FPS, and runs entirely on the GPU.

But I don’t know if that’s actually interesting for the LGM. The work was mostly in scraping together the right pieces of code from Darktable, and assembling it into a shader.

I could definitely do a lightning talk, I suppose.

Sounds like that’s definitely something. Hurry up submit a proposal.

Even though above survey might not have been representative with n=3 ;), I just submitted my proposal for mentioned three sessions and added the idea of a more interactive session to foster community/networking again. Let’s see how the interest is…


What a pity, apparently we are both interested in photography and raw developing but our workshops are at the same time. Or are you someone else and I am mistaken?

That’s true. And I’d loved to attend yours. As mine are not about photography or raw development, you won’t miss anything in this regard. :slight_smile:

No, you got that right.