Libre Graphics Vienna @ the Metalab


I am announcing this here because I know that there are at least several members who live in Vienna.

@reox and I are trying to start a new user group for open source photography and graphics software in Vienna, Austria. We are planning monthly meetings at the Metalab (, Rathausstraße 6, 1010 Wien) that will take place on the first Thursday of each month.

The first meeting will be on March 2nd, 18:30 CET.

The topics of the first meeting will be how to best organize the group and probably a bit old and new workflows in darktable. Other possibilities are RawTherapee (local adjustments) and converting scanned negatives to positives.

From today’s perspective, the program for the next months will be: darktable, RawTherapee, monitor/projector calibration and profiling, converting analog negatives, vkdt, Fediverse for photographers and artists, and Inkscape.

Of course we hope that other people who can use software such as GIMP, Krita, Blender, Kdenlive etc. will make suggestions for workshops and presentations.

Please come if you are in Vienna!




Have you seen this @Clerian and @nicokaiser ?

didn’t see it until now, but sounds interesting :slight_smile:

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Yes! Looks good, although I cannot attend this month, but I will keep in in my mind!

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Next meeting is tomorrow. We have a website:

Forgot to mention @pk5dark

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FYI @Clerian @nicokaiser @pk5dark @quovadit next meeting will be in a week, on June 5. Topic: Inkscape.

@Clerian @nicokaiser @quovadit @pk5dark @reox Next meeting will be on September 7, 1830.

Topic: self hosted web photo galleries.


@Clerian @pk5dark @nicokaiser @quovadit @reox the next meeting will be on October 23, 18:30 at the Metalab.
Topic: play it raw live with darktable


@Clerian @pk5dark @nicokaiser @quovadit @reox the next meeting will be on December 7, 1830.
Topics: darktable 4.5/4.6, Diffuse/sharpen, Geotagging


@nicokaiser @Clerian @quovadit @reox @pk5dark

Next meeting is on January 30, 19:00

Topic: Social media and Fediverse for photographers and artist

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@quovadit @Clerian @nicokaiser @pk5dark @reox next meeting is on February 29, 1830 CET. Topic: vkdt.


quick correction: it is 18:30 CET :wink:

looking forward to learn something about vkdt!

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Unfortunately I won’t be able to make it in February/March… Have a great meeting and see you in Spring!

That’s really a pity since you would be a good “candidate” for compiling vkdt on MacOS I think…

@nicokaiser @Clerian @quovadit @reox @pk5dark Next meeting will be on March 28, 1830 UTC

Topic: Inkscape

There will also be a limited amount of Strudel with spinach and Feta cheese.

@nicokaiser @Clerian @quovadit @reox @pk5dark Next meeting will be on June 26th, 1830 CET

Topic: RawTherapee

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@nicokaiser @Clerian @quovadit @reox @pk5dark

Next meeting: Nov 28, 1830 (CET).

Thursday, November 28, 2024 5:30 PM

Topic: Level based “old school” photo editing (Krita, GIMP, G’MIC).

Shame it happens in the 19th century, I would come otherwise :crazy_face:

Anyways, greetings from just over the Iron curtain, have a good time :+1:.


I have just seen that you are in Slovakia - well if you are somewhere close like Bratislava you actually can come.

1830 means 18:30 CET - does not matter if you are a bit late.