Just for information. There is still one tool in Locallab which uses the step pyramid
. I will solve this later. Also the step pyramids
are in non locallab wavelet code as well. I will change them to more continues pyramids next days…
Hello @jdc
Thanks for your updates
I just modified “settings” with a method “show / hide” the tools
it seems to be a recurring request, so I did it …
Hi @jdc,
What would also be really interesting and maybe not too difficult to code (??) would be a checkbox to activate and deactivate the spot, in order to have a quick view of the modifications made, and also the possibility to make several local treatments possible, by playing on the activation or not of the spots.
We get into things that I don’t know how to do or that I can’t do well.
Certainly there are many things to do, the priorities depend on each.
My specialty - if I can call it that - these are the algorithms, my coding is bad, luckily there are people like @heckflosse or @floessie
For the GUI, I work like a monkey … I copy, what works, thanks to @Pandagrapher
Yes yes, I understand! I think that @Pandographe has foreseen in his rewriting of the code, this option.
In any case, it’s a very nice step forward for this local module.
Being an algorithm specialist, what algorithm (or combination of algorithms) would you use, to try to have the “detail extraction” effect of analog efex pro in Nik? (tone mapping + local contrast …?) I have a hard time to get close to such an effect…!
Very difficult to answer, I don’t have DxO … any more than Lightroom…or others software
My only real reference is Capture NX2
Moreover, even if I had them, that does not give, neither the algorithm, nor the code
There are at least a dozen algorithms in the world…some acting on the overall contrast (Fatal), others on the local - texture effect (Mantiuk)
All i can say is remember what there is in RT which looks like from near or far to tone mapping and / or local contrast
- Tone mapping (Mantiuk) in main and local (with differences)
- Dynamic Range Compression (Fatal) in Mains and in Local
- Retinex in main and in local (with differences)
- Encoding Log in local (overall contrast)
- Local contrast with Unshap mask in main and local
And, and all wavelets tools (I will speak of Local…only)
- local level contrast
- Edge sharpness…very fine tool for acting on edge effects
- contrast by levels
- Level Dynamic Range compression (my Tone mapping version)
- Level directionnal contrast
All these tools, with Attenuation response, scope, etc.
thank you very much for that detailed answer !
I just added a checkbox in settings…
It allows to enable (disable) a RT-spot
I did not do this with the GUI (or so little) but with the rtengine code
This is looking good! Just a small remark concerning the labels ‘Show(Hide) all tools’. They could cause a little bit of confusion because they don’t refer to the same tools indicated on the button further down i.e. ‘Add tool to current spot’. One way to clarify this would be to rename the new ‘Show(Hide) all tools’ options to something like:
‘Show(Hide) additional settings’
‘Show(Hide) all settings’
‘Show (Hide) advanced settings’ etc.
Very easy to change…
hi @jdc
the activation and deactivation of the spots, even if it seems futile, brings a huge gain in ergonomics !
@jdc The Color & Light module turns out to be a real processing powerhouse thanks to the Lab curves! I notice though that the C(H) curve seems to be missing. Personally I find it particularly useful for global adjustments and I think it would be even more so for retouching.
You can find on PULL REQUEST Local ch - Curve C=f(H) in Color and Light by Desmis · Pull Request #5847 · Beep6581/RawTherapee · GitHub “Color and Light” with C=f(H)
Of course, to verify…
Thank you @jdc. Having some consistency between the global adjustment modules and their local equivalents where appropriate should also make it easier from a user point of view. On this subject, am I right in assuming that the mask curves in the global Color Toning/Color Correction Regions module and the mask curves in the local adjustments modules are the same?
On the principle, L(L) and C(C) are similar, knowing that the code behind is different
But for the “H” curve, it’s different , for H there is 2 parameters changed “L” and “C”, it is this difference which led me to take the notation L(L), LC(H)… instead of L, or LL
Bonjour @jdc,
If you select “Dynamic Range Compr. & Exposure” and check “inverse”, RawTherapee_dev_5.8-2339-g8af287aa8_20200712_win64 crashes.
Just tried it in Ubuntu 18.04 -same thing happens