Local Lab build

Build is up. I’ll test tonight if I find time :slight_smile:

RawTherapee_newlocallab_5.3-166-gb19e1273_WinVista_64.zip is uploaded at

I’m going to start translating the Rawpedia documentation for Local Lab to English.
It’s going to take me a long time, but I think a lot of people are waiting for this.

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Thank you :slight_smile:

N’hésites pas à me contacter.


Je peux en faire une partie Seb. N’hésite pas à me contacter.

Merci Cyril, j’en suis presque aux 2/3. Je vais tenter de finir, et je te confierai la relecture et l’édition si tu es d’accord.

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OK nickel ! Merci

Hi All,
I’m using this tool since little time and I think is very useful but I have a question:

Is there possibility in the future We can view alls spots alls togethers and show/hide alls with a simple tool click??

It is nice to be able to use the Local Lab to blur the background.
The only thing is that sometimes it is hard to select what needs to be blurred and what should not be blurred. In this example, the subject’s shoulders are blurred which I didn’t intend to do. A selection tool in this case would be ideal. The user could select the subject better.



do you guys have a debian compatible deb file by any chance ?

I just push a change

  1. algorithm for blur and noise is now similar to others, therefore, more accurate
  2. I add a new method for blurr and noise : symmetric…it looks like “inverse”, but uses the algorithms of “normal” with scope, etc. Be careful…some results may seem weird :wink:

I add also others improvments; not visible to the user


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RawTherapee_newlocallab_5.3-229-gff26f064_WinVista_64.zip is uploaded at

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Jacques, did you update rawpedia with this new information?


I’ll do it :slight_smile:

c’est fait !

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Thanks @gaaned92 and Jacques!

New Local Lab:




Is running fine here! :sunglasses:

I can’t find Panasonic FZ1000 lens anymore with this version (RawTherapee_newlocallab_5.3-230-gc77913b7_WinVista_64). It’s not under panasonic nor under leica as it was before, what’s happened?
I hope you can restore it. Thanks

PS: rollbacked to RawTherapee_newlocallab_5.3-166-gb19e1273_WinVista_64 and now I have FZ1000 lens under Leica
PPS: LocaLab and wavelet are so powerful!

I locally makes corrections on lensfun DB waiting for definitive corrections by the lensfun team.
I am going to rebuild newlocallab.
Could you upload a FZ1000 photo on filebin and permit to provide it to lensfun.

edit :RawTherapee_newlocallab_5.3-231-g0f51220d_WinVista_64.zip

I have uploaded a raw file (the same raw file used 28 days ago) here


You can share it with lensfun and do whatever you need to improve RT.

Thanks for 231 version, i see my lens and many other Fixed lenses that were missing.

@alb1x3 thanks