Local Lab build

@europlatus @arturoisilvia

I just finish the job to add “mask” to Vibrance
Big work, a lot of code, but a priori, no difficulties

I hope no error !!

If there are no requests for masks for other modules, I will stop there the addition of masks
But do not hesitate to ask if you think it’s useful :slight_smile:

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Many thanks Jacques. I’ll keep playing with it and will give feedback.

Thanks Jacques, I will test it

Some news

First excuse my bad english, I hope not too many misunderstandings

First I will speak "Simplification GUI local adjustements"
There have been several debates on the simplification, or rather the reduction of the apparent complexity of Rawtherapee and in particular here, of “locallab”

In a first step I will explain how I treated this problem, with my limited knowledge in GUI, knowing that on the other hand @Pandagrapher is working on an interface allowing to choose the modules that we want, for example use and see only exposure and cbdl, he works also on many others things as the possibility to easily (possible today, but not easy!) use local control features in full image (masks, deltaE Scope, merge files, etc.).

What I propose is a little different, trying by various configurations : “normal”, “confirmed”, "expert"
The difference between the 3 is the methods usable or not, the sliders usable or not, the algorithms usable or not, …

The choice I made is subjective, but takes into account the remarks read on the forums and in the issues
In “Preferences” , “General” you have a combobox “Complexity local adjustements” with 3 choices, “normal”, “confirmed”, “expert”, by default, “normal” is proposed

  • In “Normal” : Retinex, Tone mapping, Denoise not appears, options, sliders, mask … are reduced to the essentials for use
  • In “Confirmed” you have the essential of Local adjustements, except some algorithms or functionnalities (Mask Laplacian, Retinex, etc.)
  • In “Expert”, you have all.

Of course I can change the repartition between the 3, you cannot change yourself (except if you compile)

Choose, close the window, close RT, and restart.


In a second step, I will explain sommary, how a man and a process interact

Interact SRK mecanism (Jens Rasmussen) - Skill Rules Knowledge

  • K : In this case, the user facing a new problem, is going to seek it in his knowledge, if of course he has, if not, and if he understand the problem, he can read web, books, help to friends, on a forum (if it exists or if it finds)
    This phase is very heavy in mental charge, makes the individual vulnerable, he makes mistakes.
    Context to its importance, for example today almost everyone uses a smartphone (with more or less difficulty…), because we talk about it, the neighbor, the father, the friends have it, and little by little the knowledge progresses.
    But imagine what happens, if we could give Leonardo da Vinci a smartphone, without explanation!
    In this phase the knowledge is built and gradually the user will build rules.

  • R: the users use rules he has learned, he knows how to use the process, he still makes mistakes, he is obliged to read the documentation often, the mental load decreases

  • S: little by little, by dint of practicing, the gestures become automatic, we do things without thinking and generally it is the right choice. The mental load is weak

Once we get to “S” the problem has stopped being complex
But,if the user does not practice during the moment, he forgets and is obliged to go back a step

The hierarchy of abstraction
She model the process environment, from the most abstract to the most concrete.
The users must be able to find what is essential to understand and use the process.
It goes from the ends and stakes, to the practice of tasks closest to the action : the documentation, the web, the trainings … must allow the user to understand the process and meet his aspirations

Clearly, the documentation (generic terms includind videos, Rawpedia, forums, etc.) of Rawtherapee must be appropriate at each level: what are the purposes, → … ->. how do we concretely

How is the individual (or group) facing the problem. It is in response to these questions that the actions to be carried out will be deduced !
Generally, but there is a lot of taxonomy, the way to perceive the competence can be expressed as well
0 - no knowlege; 1 - can do simple tasks with help; 2 - can do simple tasks alone; 3 - can do all the tasks; 4 -can transmit his know-how; 5 - expert, creation, advances the system


Technical news:

  • Now merge files works correctly, you can merge the current spot, with the previous, with original image, or a background, with 20 methods. Of course it is not Photshop, the main problem to continue is the “pipelines of Rawtherapee” and GUI to write text, do for example “watermarking”

  • I have add “Graduated Filter” and I installed them in : Color and Light, Exposure and Mask exposure, Shadows Highlight, Vibrance
    For “Color and Light” and “Vibrance” you have in addition to the action on the luminance, Graduated Filter for Chrominance and Hue.
    Feather is in settings, you cannot use the mouse to rotate the gradient, you must use the slider.

  • I have rewrite all internal call to see your works (preview, TIF,…) : big job. Now code is optimized, clean, and probably you will find differences in behavior, but I think with somewhat better results.

  • and I solved many bugs and crash

Jacques 26 november 2019


Hello Jacques,

Thanks a lot for you hard work!
Your daily commitment to this feature is impressive :slight_smile:

I am sure it will be a game changer for RawTherapee since the local editing is going to improve massively the way you interact with the software.

Now the most important question (yes, I am aware it has been already asked in the past, again and again)… :slight_smile:
Do you have a rough estimate about the exact stable release when this “local editing branch” will be merged into the master branch of RawTherapee?

In short, in what version it will be available (5.8, 5.9 etc) for the end users?

As of today, it is a bit unfortunate to not have this option (local editing) in the master branch of RawTherapee since you are currently “forced” to test many different branches and not all users are willing to do so…

When it is ready. No use in pushing out a feature if it isn’t ready.

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I’m not the only decision maker, certainly there are still improvements to be made including the GUI, but no more than everything in rawtherapee.
I think the current version is stable and nothing would forbid merge locallab in dev soon, because you’re right “local adjustements” is in a branch and therefore not much seen and tested


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I have found that the local adjustments to be stable and have work fine for a long time. Like you say, the only drawback is that the GUI could be improved, but you are addressing this…

Bonjour Jacques, I am using local lab version 5.6-855 on Mac. Before I was getting updated versions from the community built software thread which now is obsolete, Is there any place where I can download and test new builds for Mac?. And thank you and all the developers for the efforts on improving RT.

I don’t know who, or where you can download a MAC version of “newlocallab” branch :cry:


Some short news

1- the last commits (since 5 days) were with a huge bug from my stupidity

  • scope deltaE was “out”
  • transition mask was “out”
    Now all works as as it is planned :slight_smile:

2-I think I have “finished” the simplification for GUI - which essentially touches the normal mode

  • of course - see my comments above - complexity is something relative - and the division between “normal” and “confirmed” can evolve according to the demands


Thanks Jacques, from 1489-g76d8ba607 is it fixed then?


No, this version is completely buggied !!! (if you use mask…)

Fixed version since : 05769e6


I had just downloaded it, because in windows it usually takes a little longer to update than in linux.

Thanks for the warning. I will wait for a new version.
A greeting.

I have update documentation, especially to explain how to switch from one mode to another : recommendations, including the use of "Processing Profiles : neutral, to reinitialize GUI.

You will also find a table summarizing the differences between : “normal”, “Confirmed”, “Expert”


Looks good and GUI easier to navigate with simplified options. My vote would be to include the colour correction grid in the ‘normal’ settings as it is useful and easy for somebody inexperienced to use. At present, it is only visible under ‘confirmed’ and then there are lots of extra sliders everywhere.

OK no problem, I will chnage soon :slight_smile:

Done, very easy to do :slight_smile:

Wow thanks. It was just my opinion but thank you!

Oh, in fact - its always the same problem !

What is complex ?
And what number of procedures does one find normal (sliders, checkbox, method…) ?
