Local Lab build

Hello Jacques,

Thanks a lot for you hard work!
Your daily commitment to this feature is impressive :slight_smile:

I am sure it will be a game changer for RawTherapee since the local editing is going to improve massively the way you interact with the software.

Now the most important question (yes, I am aware it has been already asked in the past, again and again)… :slight_smile:
Do you have a rough estimate about the exact stable release when this “local editing branch” will be merged into the master branch of RawTherapee?

In short, in what version it will be available (5.8, 5.9 etc) for the end users?

As of today, it is a bit unfortunate to not have this option (local editing) in the master branch of RawTherapee since you are currently “forced” to test many different branches and not all users are willing to do so…

When it is ready. No use in pushing out a feature if it isn’t ready.

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I’m not the only decision maker, certainly there are still improvements to be made including the GUI, but no more than everything in rawtherapee.
I think the current version is stable and nothing would forbid merge locallab in dev soon, because you’re right “local adjustements” is in a branch and therefore not much seen and tested


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I have found that the local adjustments to be stable and have work fine for a long time. Like you say, the only drawback is that the GUI could be improved, but you are addressing this…

Bonjour Jacques, I am using local lab version 5.6-855 on Mac. Before I was getting updated versions from the community built software thread which now is obsolete, Is there any place where I can download and test new builds for Mac?. And thank you and all the developers for the efforts on improving RT.

I don’t know who, or where you can download a MAC version of “newlocallab” branch :cry:


Some short news

1- the last commits (since 5 days) were with a huge bug from my stupidity

  • scope deltaE was “out”
  • transition mask was “out”
    Now all works as as it is planned :slight_smile:

2-I think I have “finished” the simplification for GUI - which essentially touches the normal mode

  • of course - see my comments above - complexity is something relative - and the division between “normal” and “confirmed” can evolve according to the demands


Thanks Jacques, from 1489-g76d8ba607 is it fixed then?


No, this version is completely buggied !!! (if you use mask…)

Fixed version since : 05769e6


I had just downloaded it, because in windows it usually takes a little longer to update than in linux.

Thanks for the warning. I will wait for a new version.
A greeting.

I have update documentation, especially to explain how to switch from one mode to another : recommendations, including the use of "Processing Profiles : neutral, to reinitialize GUI.

You will also find a table summarizing the differences between : “normal”, “Confirmed”, “Expert”


Looks good and GUI easier to navigate with simplified options. My vote would be to include the colour correction grid in the ‘normal’ settings as it is useful and easy for somebody inexperienced to use. At present, it is only visible under ‘confirmed’ and then there are lots of extra sliders everywhere.

OK no problem, I will chnage soon :slight_smile:

Done, very easy to do :slight_smile:

Wow thanks. It was just my opinion but thank you!

Oh, in fact - its always the same problem !

What is complex ?
And what number of procedures does one find normal (sliders, checkbox, method…) ?


Since my last intervention I realized various improvements, optimizations :

  • clean unused code, for example Retinex
  • optimization of “Transformed” code - the one that uses “scope” and others terminal functions, by using now only one process (except some incompatible cases)
  • improvment to some “cached” function as “chrominance” in Color and Light - where linear response slider is replace by a “cached” curve, etc.
  • various minor changes

For FFTW - Fast Fourier transformed - instead of the function “Gaussian Blur”, various improvment were realized (debugged, speed on…) - not implemented in “normal” mode
Non you can use “radius” up to values of 1000, I limited those of Gaussian Blur to 100 - which is already a lot.
You can find in 4 cases

  • Smooth Blur and Noise
  • Local contrast
  • Blur Mask (Color and light)
  • Retinex

I just added, thanks to Alberto, “Encoding Log” for “Local adjustements” (“normal”, “Confirmed”, “Expert”)
This module allows to work with very dynamic range images (under exposed,…) or with under-exposed areas while the rest of the image is normal.

Compared to the module in ART, you have more than 3 features:

  • of course, work on a local area
  • use “scope” for deltaE, to limit the action
  • calculate values of “Dynamic range” - “Dark Ev” and “White Ev”, and “Source Gray point”, on a part of the image - disabled by default, these values are calculated upstream of the process, on a copy of the image just after the colorimetric conversion (choice for Working Profile)


I have update all documentation in Rawpedia (allways in french), and specially for “Enoding log”


Easy exercise with masks, with Complexity Local Adjustements: Normal.

What we are going to do is intensify the green color only of the grass.

In Local tab:

  1. Local Adjustments: ON
  2. Add rectangle
  3. Upload Transition value: 100
  4. Color & Light: ON
  5. Go to the Color correction grid: move white point (upper left corner) and black point to the other side (lower right corner)
  6. Upload Strength to 100 and change in Color correction grid from Color Toning to Direct.

It should look like this:

  1. 8-Mask and modifications: Combo-box LCH & Structure: The first: Show modifications whitout mask

  2. Adjust the color by lowering Scope so that it does not enter the edge of the pool:

  3. If an area is missing, we make a duplicate of the rectangle and put the spot on the area we want to act.

  4. We found incorrect areas:

  5. We apply an ellipse with Spot method: Excluding Spot, Scope 100 and adjusting Transition Value

And we already have the final result:

A greeting.


Thank you @arturoisilvia for this work.
It shows the possibilities of the shape / color detection algorithm.

Just a semantic remark : in this demonstration no mask is used to modify / change the selection, only scope function.
But, the menu where appears “Show changes without mask” is in "Mask and modifications

Since this morning I change 2 features :

  • allows negatives values to “Dehaze” to add “haze” (thanks to Alberto)
  • in module “Smooth Blur Noise Grain”, in mode “normal” the slider “radius” now use “Fast Fourier Transform” when radius is greater than 30, and up to 1000 (whithout enabled a checkbox)


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I improved “merge file” significantly, certainly it is not Photoshop or Gimp, nevertheless it works (to really improve it would need a complete redesign of the rawtherapeee Pipeline)

These features are only available in mode “confirmed” or “expert”

As an example here is a way to create a double gradient blur, only with the function “merge file”, without using masks.

The first RT-spot, is the one inside (the smaller), I create a RT-spot with an “Inverse Gaussian Blur”
The second RT-Spot, is outside the first, between the limits ot the first and the limits of Image

Inside the first RT-spot : no blur
Between the first RT-psot and the second: variable Blur - set with “merge file”
Beyond the second, maximum blur

Settings are explain in Rawpedia (in french)

And the pp3
amsterdam_moving_boat_1.pef.pp3 (33.0 KB)