Local Lab build

That’s great heckflosse, works perfectly.
Now I just need to learn how to use the locallab tool :slight_smile: .
Would a pull request with a docker file and readme with instructions of how to use it be desirable?


There is a documentation - in french - here on Rawpedia


I just update this documentation…, I have add the main contributing developers.

But, there are very few examples with pictures and explanation of the process … search for volunteers :slight_smile:

Thank you


Thanks Jacques, I will take a look with google translate :grin: .
My reference to a README saying how to use it was in reference to a dockerfile. So anyone can easilly build and run RT in a docker container.
If that’s not wanted here, I can just put it in my own repo on github for anyone to use if they want.

I update documentation (20 april 2019) - always in french - on Rawpedia


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Page moved to Local Adjustments/fr - RawPedia

While a proper official translation arrives, for those of you that need to read the documentation in english, Deepl.com translator does a much better job than Google translator, although not perfect.

Hope this helps.

Porque no hablas español :wink:


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@jdc @Pandagrapher @heckflosse
I tested the current newlocallab branch and I have to say that you did a great job. It really becomes a pleasure to use the tool with the latest usability and speed changes !


Local adjustments has undergone recent improvements

  • GUI thanks to @Pandagrapher - now I thik all improvments planned in GitHub are done
  • performances, thanks to @heckflosse and @floessie , it remains a major branch with improvements to inverse functions as well as memory leaks

For the part algorithm, I have

  • improve CBDL with 6 levels (instead of 5), possibility to use “Residual image” for contrast, and clarity, possibilities of masks, and also possibilities to blur each level
  • improve Tone-mapping, with new algo less agressive, and possibilities for clarity
  • add a slider for transition allowing differential transition between X and Y
  • change order of process : denoise, CBDL, Blur, vibrance, tone mapping, Shadows Highlight, soflight, local contrast, sharp, retinex, exposure, color and light, avoid color shift
  • improve - more progressive algorithm - for Blur and noise, and Local contrast



Hi, nice work to the interface, much easier to use. I have found a slight quirk when combining exposure and local contrast. It generates strange multicoloured patterns that flick on and off as you adjust the settings. It only appears in the preview, not the exported photo.
Windows 10, local lab version 5.6-778-g5894808c1

Have attached raw image and pp3
Great work, hope this helps!

Coventry2.RW2 (14.7 MB)

Coventry2.RW2.pp3 (22.9 KB)

@spidermonkey Thanks for reporting the bug :+1:



I hope it’s fixed now, with last commit


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Great look forward to it. I think the rainbows may have even enhanced that photograph…

Hello, I can confirm that in version
the rainbows have gone, when using local contrast.
Sorry to nitpick, but it now seems that the local contrast tool within local adjustments has much more ‘violent’ effect than the tool within the standard global adjustments
No local contrast:

Radius 80 Amount 0.11 applied to whole picture using standard local contrast

Same settings applied just to left hand wall using local adjustments - gives much more exaggerated effect.


In fact, its depends on the image, I have made numerous tests, and globaly effect is less strong

Process explanation : I have 3 ways “a”, “b”, “c” to “blend” local results…When we calculate algoritm (exposure, Retinex, softlight, TM, Local contrast, etc.)

I use, either one or other after “testing” on several images

Actually, I am on “Tome mapping” and I change “c” to “b”

If you want I can chnage for “local contrast”, but I am sure, some people will say “effect is to small”…;

When I speak, that we cannot use directly algorihm for “general”, there are multiple reason. In some cases algo is different, bit in some other cases, its the same, but action is different.


In case you did not considered this already, you can just add a selection for which algorithm to use in the modules where it makes sense to choose between more of them. This way any user can have his ‘poison’.
It will probably mean a lot of extra work…


All is possible, but we add complexity…
This test period is made for this, find the right settings.

For “local contrast”, I will set the “old” !

More, some choice “a”, “b”, or “c” give very very bad results…This mean a complex choice for the user


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Thanks, this makes sense

I just commit a new change 789d537

nota : “a”, “b”, and “c” are not the real name, its only to be understood…

  • “old” setting for “Local contrast” (recall algorithm is the same…)
  • enhancement to Tone-mapping
    a) suppress “amount” - usefull with “a” blend algo, not with “b”
    b) re-add “saturation”, due to some lack with Mantiuk control stauration due to compression
    c) change default settings to reduce time processing (a little)
    d) improve some parts of “EPD”
