Hi! I’ve been using the macOS development builds for the 4.5.0 release provided by @MStraeten. (Thanks for providing builds!) I’m currently on the most recent darktable-4.5.0+893~gac2b7321d4_arm64
I’ve noticed a considerable slowdown on export running the ‘local contrast’ preset of the ‘diffuse and sharpen’ module compared to the current 4.4.2 release. This appears to only occur on export. When I’m in the darkroom view, I can toggle the module, and see the effect in the preview (even at 100% zoom).
To test this, I created as minimal of a edit as I could, and then the same stack with the addition of the ‘local contrast’ preset for ‘diffuse and sharpen’.
Enabling the “use all device memory” option results in a successful export, but with an execution time around the same as without openCL.
Curious if there are any other debugging steps I should take, or if there are configuration options for the 4.4.2->4.5.0 upgrade I need to modify. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks!
System Info
- MacBook Air, M2 2022
- 8GB Memory
- macOS Ventura 13.5.1 (22G90)
- darktable 4.5.0 --version:
darktable 4.5.0+893~gac2b7321d4-dirty
- darktable 4.4.2 --version:
this is darktable-cli 4.4.2
║ version │ opencl │ all mem │ d/s │ d/s time │ total time ║
║ 4.4.2 │ y │ n │ y │ 18.215 │ 19.92 ║
║ 4.4.2 │ n │ n │ y │ 93.379 │ 94.84 ║
║ 4.5.0 │ y │ n │ y │ manually terminated after ~8min ║
║ 4.5.0 │ n │ n │ y │ 90.943 │ 92.40 ║
║ 4.5.0 │ y │ y │ y │ 91.396 │ 93.18 ║
║ 4.5.0 │ n │ y │ y │ 91.380 │ 92.85 ║
║ 4.4.2 │ y │ n │ n │ n/a │ 2.69 ║
║ 4.4.2 │ n │ n │ n │ n/a │ 1.30 ║
║ 4.5.0 │ y │ y │ n │ n/a │ 2.00 ║
║ 4.5.0 │ n │ y │ n │ n/a │ 1.47 ║
║ 4.5.0 │ y │ n │ n │ n/a │ 2.05 ║
║ 4.5.0 │ n │ n │ n │ n/a │ 1.32 ║
I used commands similar to the following:
/Applications/darktable-4.5.0+893.app/Contents/MacOS/darktable-cli \
Moonrise.ARW \
Moonrise_localcontrast.ARW.xmp \
./output.jpg \
--core \
--disable-opencl \
-d perf > darktable-4.5.0-locont-disabled.txt
Where I toggled --disable-opencl
, the memory option in UI, and the input xml file for the different rows. All timings above are from the output files.
Tested using image from this PlayRaw. Licensed by @akgt94 as Creative Commons, By-Attribution-Non Commercial, Share-Alike
Moonrise_localcontrast.ARW.xmp (6.5 KB)
Moonrise_none.ARW.xmp (6.0 KB)
DSC08889.ARW (23.4 MB)