hello people
is this a bug or is there a function for this?
sometimes i have the problem that the masks jump over a certain area when i want to rotate them.
is this a function that I accidentally turn on? (keyboard command) or is this a sporadic bug.
I have also had this problem with older versions of Darktable.
restarting the program does not help either
attached is the *.xmp and the link to the image.
First post here, this seems like a nice community, and I love the PlayRaw idea!
Here is a recent photo as my first contribution. It was taken at sunrise from the Cape Horn overlook in the Columbia River Gorge. I’ve been struggling with my thoughts on color saturation for this shot, as well as how to treat the headlight on the train. Here is what I have come up with so far.
I currently use ART 1.8.2 to edit.
Raw File: DSCF9471.RAF (47.8 MB)
ART sidecar: DSCF9471-2.jpg.out.…
BNSF Train through the Columbia River Gorge_DSCF9471.RAF.xmp (12.9 KB)
March 30, 2021, 11:34am
That looks familiar…
This old bug might have been reintroduced, or something very similar:
opened 03:42PM - 29 Feb 20 UTC
closed 08:23AM - 03 Apr 20 UTC
**Describe the bug**
I try to place a drawn mask as a gradient and after placin… g it, I want to rotate it a bit.
Once I release the left mouse button (and I do hold the mouse steady), the gradient **jump-rotates clockwise for approx 5°** or so. Is very hard to place
I see this happen on Olympus' ORF files (in my case EM-5 II but also on [this one](https://discuss.pixls.us/t/playraw-mairi-further/3515) ) and Fuji (X-30). Nikon's NEF seems to be w/o this problem.
**To Reproduce**
1. Open a ORF RAW file, like [the one in this thread](https://discuss.pixls.us/t/playraw-mairi-further/3515)
2. Make sure, you have history stack compressed
3. Add some modules (lens correction, haze removal, filmic)
4. Add e.g. exposure, drawn mask gradient fill, roate it a bit and realease the mouse button
5. Observe the position of the gradient
**Expected behavior**
As it was before, after releasing the mouse button, the gradient shall just stay where it is at that moment (yes I tried to drag the mouse cursor more far, in order to get less sensitive, to no avail)
**Platform (please complete the following information):**
- Darktable Version: **3.1.0+769~g1ef4476cf** started for me around +748 or so
- OS: [**Gentoo** Linux]
- OpenCL activated **yes and no**, both effected
- 2x nvidia **GTX 160OC** with nividia-drivers-**440.59**
**Additional context**
- Can you reproduce with another Darktable version --> **3.0.0 is clean**
- Can you reproduce with a RAW or Jpeg or both? --> **RAW only**
- Are the steps above reproduce with a fresh edit (removing history)? --> **particularly fresh edits**. Older edits, where just an gradient getting added, may "survive", means behave well.
- Did you compile Darktable yourself? If so which compiler was used, with what options?
--> **gcc-9.2.0** CFLAGS="-march=native -O3 -mtune=native -pipe"
- Is the issue still present using an empty/new config-dir --> **Yes**
It mentions ORF and ARW in the title, but is was a general issue and not limited to those two.
(Chris E)
March 30, 2021, 12:10pm
I fixed it for the gradient mask in current master. I forgot you could rotate ellipses as well. Please can you raise an issue
1 Like
(Chris E)
March 30, 2021, 12:45pm
Actually don’t worry I’m submitting a PR to fix it now (#8586 ).
FYI This usually happens (or is more noticeable) when you have a module that creates a large distortion on the image - in this case, presumably lens correction. My PR should improve the situation significantly but it still won’t be perfect if the image is heavily distorted (for example with the liquify module). In the meantime, you could try doing all of your masking with lens correction disabled, then enable it at the end of your editing session.
1 Like
(Chris E)
March 30, 2021, 9:54pm
The fix has now been merged and will be delivered in darktable 3.6.