Moody Green Style

New look, new topic. The last one (Black Orange) was really fun. Now I want to try to emulate this moody green style I found on this page:

I imagine landscape photographs or portraits in nature look really cool with this style. Laura has a bunch of examples on her page…but again - just for Lightroom. So I want to see if and how I can realize that look in Darktable. :slight_smile: I have found one image I took back in 2022 on a coffee farm in Acatenango Guatemala as a base that we can all use for this experiment.

_UFP3580.NEF (41.9 MB)


Just for fun I have gone the opposite way!!!
A blend of four exposures to tame the contrast and then in GIMP a huge boost to the greens using the channel mixer.

And an attempt at the reverse effect just using the channel mixer in GIMP.


:rofl: the skin tones are off

My play with dt 4.8.1

_UFP3580.NEF.xmp (7.8 KB)


_UFP3580-1.jpg.out.pp3 (20,8 KB)


Rt. 5.10

_UFP3580.jpg.out.pp3 (18.5 KB)

I haven’t tried it yet but I’m excited to see the submissions. Unfortunately this time there’s no “target” image to reach…I guess it’s trying to resemble the look of the LR preset. So far I don’t think we’re quite there yet. At first sight and analyzing the sample images from the webpage (which I didn’t want to upload here as a reference), I can see that the greens are cool and desaturated, contrasting oranges or reds pop but not too much, the blacks are rich and deep but not pure black I think and the contrasts are somewhat soft although having a lot of small details (texture might be the better word). To make it work on skin, the reds and oranges can’t be shifted too much. The blue sky in my photo probably needs to be desaturated or shifted more towards a teal/greenish tone. The pink and orange watering cans need to be tuned down significantly. They just pop too much. Maybe with a second color equalizer and shifted toward orange/red?

I will try my take on it tomorrow and share what I come up with. :grin:

I looked at the website and I personally thought the preset was horrible, but photography is an art form and if we all liked the same look it would be a boring world. I tried to replicate the effect on another image with lots of green and achieved a similar look to the preset by desaturing the yellow greens and darkening the yellow greens in the color equalizer module. Color zones would work in a similar fashion. That seemed to give the sort of dull looking greens in the image without much impact elsewhere.


The strength of this preset I am proposing could then be adjusted by making a uniformly mask and adjusting the opacity slider.

_UFP3580.NEF.xmp (10.7 KB)


Failed the mission but fun playing around :slight_smile:

I lost track of the sidecar version but the jpg can be used as the sidecar if there is any need…


The basis for this preset is to shift the green tones towards blue, darken them and reduce their saturation.

An additional instance of color calibration with channel mixer is sufficient for this.

Blue tone for greens:


A bit of orange for reds:


Brightness reduction of greens:


Saturation reduction fof greens:



Color temperature can be regulated with tint hue in rgb primaries module:


Here are a few examples with raw files from signature edits:


simple edit

Moody Green Style_UFP3580.NEF.xmp (13.3 KB)


_UFP3580.NEF.xmp (12.2 KB)

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_UFP3580.NEF.xmp (18,3 KB)


A second try. The only change is darkening the greens.

_UFP3580_01.NEF.xmp (10.0 KB)


Nice! I like that a lot

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Didn’t think that this would interest me but after trying on a couple of my own images (using Boris’s settings) I am more than impressed.
I am quite sure that without the guidance I would never have stumbled on this very interesting style.
Thanks Boris!


Grainy green, darktable with the new color equalizer module. That’s easier to understand than channel mixing. The grain is just because I’m in the mood for it, so you can call it “moody”.

_UFP3580.NEF.xmp (10.3 KB)


Quick question. How would you go about comparing multiple versions of edits with different XMP files? Can I duplicate a file “virtually” and load an XMP to be able to put the edits side by side? Or do I have to fiscally duplicate the file?