There is one biggest disadvantage of DT’s UI - modules are hard coded into groups in “not too intuitive” way - intuitive rather for coder than photographer. But you can “develop” your own set that fits into two groups - default and favourite.
After reading mentioned Aurelien’s article, I have “developed” my own set of default loaded modules:
-raw black/white point (default and necessary, just leave untouched for 99% cases)
-white balance
-chromatic aberrations (in 99% done with system lenses, no need to adjust in lens corerction module)
-orientation (just leave)
-crop and rotate (set to centered 3:2 as I shoot with 4:3 sensor but having 3:2 ratio in mind)
-tone equalizer (set to zero but turned on)
-haze removal (set to zero but turned on)
-input color profile (just leave it, as it’s necessary and default)
-basic adjustments (with exposure set to +1ev, but it’s my specific, connected with ETTR shooting)
-denoise(non-local-means) Luma set to 10%, chroma set to 100%. Althrough this denoise is computationally demanding, for me it’s best way to save some “grainy” sharpness without “color sand”. It’s sometimes recommended to have two instances of denoise(profiled) (one for color, one for light) to achieve the same, but denoise(n-l-m) is faster and more accurate than two instances of profiled denoise
-contrast equalizer (with Sharpen preset, “mix” set to 50%, saved as “Sharpen 50%” profile. I very rarely have to readjust)
-color zones (set to zero but turned on)
-filmic RGB (and I always set contrast manually to 1,300 instead of default 1,500. Plus some corrections. When you save preset to make one change automatically, it also saves the same curve for all pictures instead of automatically setting for each one)
These “set to zero but turned on” are just to be under hand without digging thru all 70-few modules or text searching. You just set sliders to not make any effect and “store new preset” with “apply to matchinh images by default”.
In most cases, this way I have my “Out of DT jpeg”, which is just “Much tuned OOC jpeg”. Without touching almost anything.
Next, in Favourite group, I have:
-framing with some presets that allow me to add white strip under photo, to use with:
-watermark with some presets, and SVG watermark templates using powerful DT variables like $(EXIF_EXPOSURE), graphic logo etc
-graduated density
-highlight reconstruction
-some other modules that I use for retouch
Absolute must have is to learn masks. For example you set two ellipse masks on eyes and turn on additional instance of contrast equalizer on these masks, to sharpen only eyes + darken centers. With some experience, you correct eyes much in less than minute,
Generally you can shoot with +1ev as default and have some exposure correction in Exposure module or better in Basic adjustments (that contain all settings contained in exposure module and some more)