My favorite train station! :)

Hi all,
I was quite busy lately with finding my new routine in a new city and a new job, but finally it feels like I have time for photography again!

Here a shot from last summer of the beautiful and thoughtful designed train station in Utrecht :netherlands:

Since the introduction of the color harmony tool i try to pay way more attention to it but tbh the channel mixer still doen not feel very intuitive to me…

I would like to see your creative approches in applying a color harmony to this quite grayish RAW file. :slight_smile:

DSCF2702.RAF (23.0 MB)
DSCF2702_01.RAF.xmp (17.3 KB)

This file is licensed Creative Commons, By-Attribution, Share-Alike.


And a cool composition, too!

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DSCF2702.RAF.xmp (8.5 KB)

A high contrast b/w to bring out the wonderful chaotic amount of detail in the reflection.

Edit: Darktable 4.4.2


That was my plan also :smiley: , so I rearranged it a bit for more variety…

DSCF2702.RAF.xmp (12.6 KB)


My attempt is very much like @Flech’s version — just a bit different, as well as made using vkdt:

DSCF2702.RAF.cfg (2.2 KB)

Have fun!
Claes in Lund, Sweden


Rawtherapee 5.9 + Gimp 2.10.34


My version…

DSCF2702_01.RAF.xmp (22.0 KB)


Thanks, this perspective is changing everything!

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Evidently, this was a very versatile photo :slight_smile:

Flipping out too much? (aided by g’mic)

Have fun!
Claes in Lund, Sweden


Great picture, thanks for sharing! My approach using darktable 4.5.0-dev, making use of the new ‘rgb primaries’ module.

DSCF2702.RAF.xmp (12.4 KB)




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Welcome to spaceship Utrecht! :wink:

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nice! like the low key mood. pushed the shadows slider in the llap module?

@hanatos .cfg included above :slight_smile:

indeed, i missed that :clown_face:, and yes: shadows:3.04651

DSCF2702.RAF.xmp (21.6 KB)


DSCF2702.RAF.xmp (14.1 KB)


My attempt using DT4.4.2

DSCF2702.RAF.xmp (26.8 KB)


What was the goal of the color contrast module… I thought some of the blues looked funny and then zooming on the people they have yellow skin…this seems to be introduced by the use of the color contrast module…but maybe it was a sort of style that you were looking for??


It would seem that the combination of Colour Zones & Colour Contrast push it toward an orange.
Play_Raw equals play… Colour Contrast is not a module I use very often - in this case I was playing with it to compensate keeping blue & green distinct when pushing the green in the Colour Zones.

I often find that the colours when editing at 100% look OK - but when scaled look out of place - and again when uploaded to pixls it looks different again. One example is the Play_Raw " Building against a pink sunset" where it looked subtle with detail on my setup. But once scaled & exported and uploaded it was much brighter than I intended. I also have a few images of young women at a recent African event and depending on zoom and export scale the blue dresses change colour dramatically.

At least on my setup:
Without Colour Zones (General) & Without Colour Contrast
The face of the RHS girl looks pink. Whereas, the LHS girl looks pale. The plastic bag looks a baby blue. The number plate looks too dark. The blue tights look navy blue.

With Colour Zones (General) & Without Colour Contrast
The face of both LHS and RHS girls look pink or flustered. The plastic bag still looks baby blue. The number plate looks closer. The blue tights look navy blue.

With Colour Zones (General) & With Colour Contrast
The face of RHS girl now looks OK; whereas, the LHS girl now looks tanned (towards orange). The plastic bag now looks a better blue. The blue tights now look neon blue. The number plate looks a little too bright.

Without Colour Zones (General) & With Colour Contrast
The face of the RHS girl hasn’t changed much; whereas, the LHS girl looks darker tan. The plastic bag hasn’t changed. The blue tights still look neon blue. The number plate looks OK.

Scaled - With Colour Zones (General) & With Colour Contrast.
The LHS girl has a more intense tanned/orange face. The plastic bag hasn’t changed.