My first contribution

Nah… I don’t think so.

Next time you’re going to take a sky photo, don’t take one, take at least 20. Between shots, put the lens cap and shoot. You’ll have a darkframe. Take a couple of darks during your session, say 8 for the 20 photo session? 15 for a 50 photo session? There’s an ideal number of darks, but I don’t have the reference now. I think better have some than nothing.

That is the most important part.

Then, when you’re up to, you follow that tutorial.

By the way, nice image! I liked the framing very much!

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thanks! I will tri it!

I just take some shots in another persepective, I share with you some of them.IMGP1158.PEF (29.1 MB) IMGP1163.PEF (28.4 MB) IMGP1167.PEF (28.5 MB)

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Nice. I will bookmark your Play Raws to come back to when I have the time to revisit them.

The easy way is to use something like Sequator to do the stacking. It is not open source, but it is free and easy to use.

Thanks you Daniel, but I think that doesn’t support Mac.

I was able to run it in Mac using an emulator (I think it was Wine), but you are right, it is not native on Mac. You can use Starry Landscape Stacker on Mac. It does the same and you can find it in the App Store.

It’s a little expensive but I’am thinking about

Siril is the free software astro stacking solution… We have an article here: PIXLS.US - Processing a nightscape in Siril

Deep Sky Stacker is open-source, as of 2018:


@ggbutcher it looks to be windows only, do you know if it runs in wine?

I haven’t tried it. I’ve just observed a lot of folk at the DPReview Astrophotography forum using it.

I used it a few times, some years ago, and it’s good.
Basically Siril, but with a bit more functionality. As I recall, in the alignment part: you can choose if you want to align stars or planets.
I had a very good impression from it, and it was the only one that allowed me to stack images with very few stars at the time.
Well, but I’m completely amateur on this, so, caution with my words.

Sebastien, thanks for this excellent tutorial. I’ve downloaded Siril and your example images. What lens and aperture did you use? I’d like to play around in Darktable and use corrected tiff files instead of RAW files to see if that changes anything. Thanks.

Here’s my take from your tutorial + 6.5 EV in DT and a few other tweaks.

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Thanks! Regarding the lens and aperture used, I don’t have the files at hand, but you should see that in the exif data. If you see “12mm f/0” then it’s a Samyang 12mm f/2. Otherwise it should a Fujiflm XF 23mm f/1.4.
I’ll give more detail when I can check the files.


Thanks. I’m just amazed by how many stars can be pulled out by stacking, given such a short exposure of only 10s! And the reduction in noise is fantastic.

It seems that I used the Samyang 12mm f/2.0, probably at f/2.0 but I’m not sure for the aperture (but not smaller than f/2.8).