New Windows builds


So it was during a package installation so try to redo this step where it happened.
If you don’t remember exactly, you can redo a few steps.

I use MSYS2 MSYS when I want to manage the MSYS2 installation (mainly through use of pacman). be careful to choose the 32 bit or 64 bit package when you install a new package.

To build W64 RT package, use exclusively MINGW64,
To build W32 RT package, use exclusively MINGW32,
as they define build environment.

If you want to make a build, you have a few steps

  1. CMAKE
  2. MAKE install : it installs RT in the choosen install directory
  3. copy of dependencies in the install directory
  4. then you have to copy lib/gtk2 in the install directory, and perhaps gdb for debug build

so $destination is the path to you install directory[quote=“ilias_giarimis, post:395, topic:615”]
Will this work for the existing (wrong) build or only new Builds ?
You can do that for the existing (wrong) build.
If you reinstall allways in the same install directory you have to copy once the dependencies and the lib/gtk2.
If you erase the install dir or install in other install dir, sure you have to copy again dependencies and the lib/gtk2.


I answer here to some of your PM questions as some other users can be interested

I already noticed that and it is really annoying. I still have to find the reason why on W10 you cannot install multiple instances in different directories.

Edit :
1- the Innosetup5 generated installer registers rawtherapee application under the name AppVerName. As it is not defined in the iss script, it defaults to “Rawtherapee version 4.2”.
2- when a new RT version is installed, the installer searches for a previous installation with same name in the registry and if it exists install in the same directory without asking.
So new question; why in XP or vista, the application was not registered? how to avoid registration that we dont need for nightly builds.
My future nigthly builds will register under different names.

As a workarround, rename the existing installation directory. So it’ possible to keep multiple installations.

@gaaned92 @sguyader @ilias_giarimis please don’t forget to update RawPedia so that the instructions are unambiguously clear - a person should be able to read through the guide from top to bottom and end up with a working compilation using the latest MSYS2 (using the gtk3-bugfix branch for now). Avoid branching paths (“you can do it this way or you can do it that way”) as that becomes confusing and impossible to maintain.


  • Use master if you’re using GTK2
  • Use gtk3-bugfix if you’re using GTK+ >=3.20
  • Use gtk3 if you’re using GTK+ <=3.18

The instructions I wrote on RawPedia were valid for GTK2 and GTK+ up to 3.18. I haven’t updated my MSYS2 install since then, so I can’t update the instructions for GTK+ >= 3.20.

Does anyone have a new master build for Windows XP 32-bit?


for Windows 32bit users you can download from my RT W32 drive release and debug builds for following branches:
master 4.2.1203
gtk3-bugfix 4.2.1408 (gtk3 3.22.1) (cannot be run on XP)
pixelshift 4.2.1232
locallab 4.2.1249

And for Windows 64 bits users, you will find in my RT W64 drive the corresponding 64bits builds.

@floessie @heckflosse when compiling locallab/iplocallab with debug option I get an error saying Mytime is undefined. Where is it defined ?


Can you post the error message?

D:/RAWTHERAPEE/RTSOURCE/rawtherapee/rtengine/ In member function ’ void rtengine::ImProcFunctions::Lab_Local(int, int, float**, rtengine::LabImage* , rtengine::LabImage*, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, bool, int, const rtengine::LocretigainCurve&, double&, double&, double&)':
D:/RAWTHERAPEE/RTSOURCE/rawtherapee/rtengine/ error: ‘MyTim e’ was not declared in this scope
MyTime t1e, t2e;
D:/RAWTHERAPEE/RTSOURCE/rawtherapee/rtengine/ error: ‘t1e’ was not declared in this scope
D:/RAWTHERAPEE/RTSOURCE/rawtherapee/rtengine/ error: ‘t2e’ was not declared in this scope
make[2]: *** [rtengine/CMakeFiles/rtengine.dir/build.make:1143: rtengine/CMakeFi les/rtengine.dir/] Error 1
make[2]: *** Attente des tâches non terminées…
make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/Makefile2:179: rtengine/CMakeFiles/rtengine.dir/all] Er ror 2
make: *** [Makefile:128: all] Error 2

Should be fixed now. Please pull again :slight_smile:

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yes compiles. thanks

Hey there… Not sure if I should post here or a separate thread… I finally completely uninstalled sguyader’s last build which got rid of the issue I posted about above with the ‘no disk in drive’ messages with your x64 builds. (Deleting my modified options file seemed to do the trick. I tried having them coexist side by side but still had the problem.)

Now I have noticed a new issue with your ‘release_gtk3-bugfix_4.2.1412’ build. It does not allow me to change the theme and only allows the ‘RawTherapee’ theme. I installed and ran the ‘debug_gtk3-bugfix_4.2.1412’ build as well but don’t know what I need to do to report this bug properly.

I’ve also installed your latest ‘locallab_4.2.1265’ and ‘pixelshift_4.2.1241’ and these two builds do not have the issue with the theme selection. In fact, I discovered that these have other themes I had not seen before and I really like them which makes me want to see the issue in gtk3 4.2.1412 resolved even more. :smiley:

So I will do whatever you ask of me if it can help. :wink:

Fwiw, I also just installed ‘release_gtk3-bugfix_4.2.1409’ and it also has the same problem as 1412. This is all on Windows 10…


This will help with the theme: :slight_smile:

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Indeed it does. Thanks!

By the way, your theme in this context has the issue where the left column on the editor screen bounces out, instead of staying sized over to maximize viewing area… I recall you fixed this before but don’t recall specifics…

The smallest possible width is smaller than the values in the navigator panel. That’s why it pops out when you move the mouse over the picture and the color values are shown.

This is not a theme issue and depends on the font and font size. What I can do is to increase the min. width, but what happens on Linux or Apple? Is the used font smaller or wider? :wink:

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Ha, I was lying. :laughing:
I could remove some pixel from the separator line and now it doesn’t pop out.
Will be fixed in next update.

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If you look at the aboutthisbuild.txt, you will notice that those branches are based on the gtk2 gui toolkit like the master branch.
gtk3-bugfix branch is still a work in progress done mainly by Hombre and also by Toowaboo. In a near future it will become the master branch.
I cannot help with issues except for build problems(e.g. missing dependencies). The best is to report on github.

Be aware that I frequently push updated builds in my RT32 and RT 64 drive without notifying here.

@TooWaBoo [quote=“TooWaBoo, post:411, topic:615”]
now it doesn’t pop out.Will be fixed in next update.

Is it possible also to correct the rawtherapee theme?
For my taste, left column an right column are too wide.

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This, you should better ask @Hombre.
I’ve changed the default font to Arial and this saves a lot of space.

You can try it yourself.
Make this change to the theme:

* {
    color: #AAAAAA;
--> font-family: Arial;
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Sorry to ask here but were can we find infos on Pixelshift?