Many of our beloved tools are progressing towards a release at the moment. Be it darktable or rawtherapee. even mypaint is rumored to be close to another release. Want to help to make the next release as awesome as possible?
grab the snapshot packages for your favorite app and start testing. the more issues we get fixed before the release, the better.
My most recent update to darktable master put me on 2.6.0rc0 I notice. It seems to have corrected what I noiced a few days ago, but it may be worth reporting: on opening an image directly from my OS file manager (Open with darktable), my default import meta-deta was automatically applied. Is this intentional? Moreover, because it was a play_raw downloaded from this site, I wanted to export it without this meta-data. It appeared in the “image information” box, but didn’t come up in the “metadata editor” box, and I couldn’t overwrite it. As mentioned, this seems fixed in 2.6.0.rc0 - the import meta-data is no longer applied on just opening a file.