Thanks; just edited the original (saw some unacceptable flaws; still might have missed a few others) and re-uploaded it. Fortunately, the main links did not change (so didn’t have to re-edit my post; lol).
Guess I should have brightened up my previous effort. Resynthesizer is just way too slow on my PC to do the Micro-World, but below’s the horizontally seamless image modified.
DT 4.8.1
The first is putting some new techniques into practice I learned today with Tone adjustments. The second, “Dream State”. is keeping with the running theme and having some fun mucking around with some sliders. Enjoy.
Haven’t used Liquid Rescale in quite a while so thought I would toy with it. Still had to do some clone/healing work on the horizon since the mask I used was, well, quite loose. lol