@sugarbravo thanks for these directions, I initially had some build dependency issues, but I got your branch to build successfully and run (the version is 4.2om1 in the top left by the darktable logo). However, when try to open a raw OM-5 file in darkroom I get the following error:
Here’s the log from the terminal:
$ /opt/darktable/bin/darktable
RawSpeed:Unable to find camera in database: 'OM Digital Solutions' 'OM-5' ''
Please consider providing samples on <https://raw.pixls.us/>, thanks!
[rawspeed] (P1070052.ORF) bool rawspeed::RawDecoder::checkCameraSupported(const rawspeed::CameraMetaData*, const string&, const string&, const string&), line 170: Camera 'OM Digital Solutions' 'OM-5', mode '' not supported, and not allowed to guess. Sorry.
[temperature] failed to read camera white balance information from `P1070052.ORF'!
[temperature] `OM Digital Solutions OM-5' color matrix not found for image
[temperature] failed to read camera white balance information from `P1070052.ORF'!
[temperature] failed to read camera white balance information from `P1070052.ORF'!
[lens correction] camera/lens not found
[colorin] could not find requested profile `standard color matrix'!
For context, this is on Ubuntu 22.04 and I also installed exiv2 from source from the 0.27-maintenance branch per @kmilos’s comment above.
Any ideas on how to troubleshoot this?