One-liner challenge

Did you come up with your one-liner by accident? What were you trying to do initially?

I write one-liners all of the time even though I should be using *.gmic files. The reason that I don’t do the latter is that I still don’t know how to import them into my user.gmic. Please help me figure that out. It would help me be more organized and motivated to write better filters. :slight_smile:

Occasionally, the one-liners do result in something interesting (I may have shared a few before). I will keep this thread in mind when something new happens but I might not remember or it might be uninteresting. :sweat_smile:

Looks like something out of certain films!
Sadly I usually discard those accidents, I may have one or two kept though :slight_smile:
I distinctly remember one with G’MIC looking quite snowflake-like.
The best I ever saw was one I couldn’t keep, back in the days of DOS. A random crash caused the most incredible animation, I assume due to data being executed as code!

Edit: found one! Very like glitch art so using a familiar image…

gmic run "image.jpg +structuretensors eigen. rm.. mix_channels. (0,-10;10,0) repeat 10 warp.. .,1 mul. -1 done rm."


Edit2: One more - this time a sort of glassy effect:

gmic sp cliff +orientation n. 0,255 luminance[0] +b[0] 2% min[0,-1] blend multiply n 0,255


The first one looks like a boxing match. :fist_right::crazy_face:

I like playing with norm and orientation.

Ah, I thought this issue was already solved :frowning:
I do it all the time in my .gmic file (on Linux), in my cli_start command (a command that is executed at startup by the gmic CLI tool). I can say the following command, put in my .gmic file works as expected:

cli_start :
  v -
  l[] m $HOME/work/src/gmic/src/gmic_stdlib.gmic onfail endl
  l[] m $HOME/work/src/resources.gmic onfail endl
  md3d 3
  v +

I’m working on Linux, so $HOME is defined. But I’ll give a try on Windows this afternoon to see how this can be converted.

Here is a one-liner that has the makings of a glitch filter:

gmic repeat 6 sp done otsu , gradient_norm r2dx {max({0,h},{1,h})} autocrop_seq 0 a c,.5

Planet of the mandrills (tagline: dog saves the world)


What is David thinking about?


1. I don’t know how to save it with 3 channels while retaining the colour info.
2. Sometimes there is a bar at the bottom that I cannot crop because it isn’t fully black. E.g.,



Another one-liner that I did yesterday, using part of my hessian norm filter.

gmic sp +l otsu , af_hnorm n 0,1 endl +* blend overlay


With these one-liners, small changes make it do slightly (or significantly) different things.

gmic sp +l otsu , af_hnorm 1 n 0,1 endl +* blend overlay

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I’ll be monitoring this thread so that I can use some of these for filters (I won’t take any credit).

@Joan_Rake1 I am sure you have things to share as well. :wink:

I’m best at extending what I see in front of me for now. I’ve already used your hessian one-liner here, and this is an example of what it can do:


Something a bit different, an animated effect. “Don’t try this at home” if your PC is really slow:

gmic 600,600 v - repeat 100 f "init(a=8e18*u;b=8e18*u;q=8e18*u);n=xor(a,a<<13);a=b;b=q;q=xor(xor(q,q>>15),xor(n,n>>10));b+q" w done v +

It might remind you of a certain TV effect :slight_smile:

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It’s probably fine, just reduce the image size at the beginning!
I’m probably overstating the performance problem and don’t want to spoil it :slight_smile:

It was short, so I added more repeats. :slight_smile: Is that grey border supposed to be there? It disappears when I resize the window. A bug?



Hmm not certain… I don’t get that on linux at least. Maybe something to do with screen resolution too?

It doesn’t happen when the image (and thus the window) is bigger.

My favorite one-liner so far :

$  gmic go

(yes, I’m cheating! :wink: ).

EDIT : works best on Linux, really slow on Windows, I still don’t know why.

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Hahah nice, but definitely cheating! I’m also quite sure nothing there was accidental :smiley:

Yes, it is very slow. No music either. I get this error:

'cvlc' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

After the BBQ animation, everything is normal speed.

Got two of my own:

f "angle=pi;i(sqrt((x-w/2)^2+(y-h/2)^2),sqrt((x-w/2)^2+(y-h/2)^2),z,c,1,1)"

f "angle=0;i(x*cos(angle)+y*sin(angle),-x*sin(angle)+y*cos(angle),z,c,1,2)"

The first makes circular textures out of images. The second’s some generic rotation thing that one can use to distort images.

Here is a bash/gmic/ffmpeg combo move:

  • From a dir with images capture000000.jpgcapture000309.jpg
cp capture000000.jpg out000000.jpg ; prev=0 ; previous=0 ; counter=1 ; current=1 ; until [ $counter -gt 309 ] ; do current=$(echo 0000000$counter|tail -c 7) && prev=$((counter-1)) && previous=$(echo 0000000$prev|tail -c 7) && previous=$(echo 0000000$prev|tail -c 7) && gmic capture$(echo $current).jpg out$(echo $previous).jpg blend lighten -o out$(echo $current).jpg && ((counter++)) ; done && ffmpeg -framerate 48  -i out%06d.jpg -vcodec libx264 -s 1280x720 -preset slow -crf 5 -pix_fmt yuv420p  ~/Desktop/startrails1d.mkv

Well that was fun, but I imagine this can be done with a simpler gmic command.


Nice. :star:

Yes, gmic could totally do what you did with bash or, in the case of Windows, cmd.