[PlayRaw] 8 Mittened kitten

So says the ghost

Touché amicco, you got me with the sheets down, je je.

Been meaning to tackle this but feel intimidated by the previous entries

Don’t be meaning to anybody, is not that what beardy man said (?)
Anyways I’ve seen you intimi-dating elsewhere - like here and with no pause here too, mutherfuka!; you got yourself nice sheets :man_surfing: :lollipop:to do the wrappin’ jeje
But much more, important so, is that you bro, you keep blessing our activities with your presence and occipital remarks… that’s a true natured sharing papillon, now I shut up. But… jej jeje like lepra, case you decide to connect with your zombie inside I’ll leave a possible soundtrack made with many diff brains BMBBC Cheers :vulcan_salute: