Panorama of Jura snowy Jura

I like this shot but I was never very happy with my edit, there’s quite a bit of haze and dynamic range, it’s hard to make it punchy while avoiding halos. It’s a seven shots panorama put together with Hugin.

0V2A3781 - 0V2A3786_2.tif (97.0 MB)

This file is licensed Creative Commons, By-Attribution, Share-Alike.


Thank you for this play.
I found this very difficult! Numerous adjustments using GIMP. I may have to have several more attempts!

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My version:
0V2A3781 - 0V2A3786_2.tif.xmp (20.0 KB)

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Hello, not an easy one! Here’s my version made with Art. Note the black area top left, never seen that with tiffs.

0V2A3781 - 0V2A3786_2.jpg.out.arp (11.3 KB)

I think it stayed from the stitching.

0V2A3781 - 0V2A3786_2-1.jpg.out.pp3 (14,0 KB)


Hi, could you give us access to the seven shots before Hugin?
very nice panorama!

I’ve uploaded the raw files here. The black part is from the pano, I’ve filled it on my edit using GIMP inpainting, but I should have done it on the tif before uploading here.

My try.

0V2A3781 - 0V2A3786_2.tif.xmp (10.5 KB)


you’ve uploaded only jpg… it would be better to play with the raw files

Ho yeah my bad, should be good now.

I guess google_photo converts the raw to jpeg

My editing in GIMP 2.10.24-LAB

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With the raws, I followed the advices from Aurelien Pierre
Instead of hugin, I used my former Kolor Autopano (600 Mb tiff image :slight_smile: )
my next try will be to consider the focal lenght ([quote=“jonathanBieler”]
taken with a Super Takumar 200mm, probably around f8 [/quote]

this is my first try with dt 3.8.1, 15 000* 6322 pixels

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Cutting through the haze.

Used GEGL’s smooth by domain preset to create a convolution layer and some G’MIC tricks to enhance the contrast even further. Not happy about the clouds, though. Also used resynthesizer to heal transparancy as well as a weird artifact in the sky I didn’t like. :slight_smile:

darktable edit

my version. edited on laptop.

Panorama of Jura snowy Jura.tif.xmp (11.5 KB)


@Suki2019 Awesome, my favorite so far, really nice use of curves and masks. I like the blues too.

thanks :blush: