In fact, it doesn’t make much sense to hide the RAW loader or RAW developer layers… probably the best would be to prevent the possibility to hide some layers that should always be visible. What do you think?
First off, in my view, a software should never crash
Joking aside, right now, IMHO, it is also weird you are allowed to drag up-down in the stack the RawDeveloper and the Rawloader “layers”.
Another little bug occurs on Windows 10 with samplers.
When you put 2 samplers on the same position they are subsequently stuck together and you can not disantangle them.
You are forced to uncheck one of them to “free” them.
And yes, I am aware it doesn’t make much sense to put the samplers on the same exact position in the image
Here is a video on DropBox with all my steps to reproduce this glitch (copy and paste its link in another tab of Firefox to make it work…):
Unless one wants to input another raw file. I tried to input another raw or image but it didn’t go well in many ways. It was a long time ago but handling multiple image sources might be worth looking into. That or eliminate the possibility altogether.
I suggest we have two things:
1 Shortcut to toggle each sampler point.
2 Option to delete them. This is useful in a few ways: e.g., quick redeployment and a way to recover one if it somehow gets lost. Yes, points used to vanish sometimes; don’t know if it happens anymore.
I am a newcomer to Photo Flow. Currently playing it with joy and trying to understand the potential uses.
I just wonder if the minor GUI issue I encountered is known and solved already.
As you see, the blend dialog is seen on the left part underneath the selected module name as well. This happens with all the tools and it does not change by playing with settings. I am on Manjaro Linux with up-to-date packages as of December 14th, 2019).
It may well be a specific problem to my environment. In that case I will be happy to hear any advice to help me fix it. (The version I run is downloaded from the user repository of my distribution, called AUR: photoflow-git r2791.1f79ba11-1)
Welcome! Do not hesitate to ask questions, or describe what you would like to achieve but you do not know how to obtain in practice…
This is indeed a small bug in my widgets layout, due to the fact that you are using a larger font. Anyways, the UI should look OK regardless of the font size. I have fixed the glitch and prepared new packages.
While you wait for the ARCH AUR to catch up with the current stable branch, you can try the AppImage I am providing here. You just need to download the package, make it executable, and run it.
Thank you very much. I am surprised to see such a fast response and a change in code. It appears that I will be around for quite some time… asking questions…
I have pushed some changes to the ICC transform code in photoflow, which fixes some small inconsistencies in dark areas when going from linear to non-linear V4 profiles. The updated code uses my own custom ICC transform code only when going from one linear profile to another, and uses LCMS for everything else. This until I find the way to improve the precision of my custom transforms…
By the way, I am gradually getting back into the photoflow coding business, after some with no spare time at all…
While the Iridient DNG is still not properly handled in PhF, I have introduced some code that avoids the crashes and pops up a dialog that warns the user about the problem:
Next steps will be to make the grid configurable, and allow non-regular patterns like the golden rule, and to change the mouse pointer according to which function is triggered by the mouse movement (activation of one handle, dragging in the central area, etc…).
This is a followup to my distortion correction question. When I opened your PFI and exported a TIF, the distortion was different from your JPG output: Landscape near Altaussee - #30 by Carmelo_DrRaw. I don’t know the cause ATM. Could simply be a different Lensfun version. PFIs don’t currently hold export information (I think I asked about that before) but I don’t think export would change the distortion or crop; or G’MIC resize would change it.
I am using PhotoFlow_git_stable_w64_20200112_1509_22bdf by the way. Another problem that I have is rotate doesn’t auto crop when I export. 20191001T162108.pfi. Edit looks like it works after I toggle auto crop off then on again.
It could be a lensfun version mismatch between my own version on MacOS and the Windows version. I am now looking into this. Could you provide me an example of the output you obtain, with the corresponding PFI file, so that I can see if I can reproduce it exactly?
Sounds like a bug in the logic than handles the auto-crop button. I am trying to reproduce this as well.
No need to upload the PFI. I used yours with PhotoFlow_git_stable_w64_20200112_1509_22bdf. Exported using the default settings and resized using G’MIC.