Taken in may 2018 at 230 mm on crop sensor, the OOC jpeg is very bluish and lacks contrast.
Have fun giving good colours to the Kini’s Castle! DSCF3855_Iri.dng (45.1 MB)
Hint: this DNG is already demosaiced, CA and distortion correction are already applied
This DNG is already demosaiced using Iridient X-Transformer, so basically you are right, it is more like a tiff.
The figure looks like St. George, but I don’t know if this is true.
btw your sharpening is extraordinary! Never saw so much details from this cheap lens
What a challenging file to process… Briefly, what I did (in RT) is:
Adjust the WB temperature and tint
Increase saturation of pastel tones a bit
Increase the contrast using curves
Activate the dehaze module
My aim was to differentiate the castle from the trees, with good colors but still retaining the impression of “distance”. I also decided to ignore the highlights in the roof, it’s very hard to keep them from clipping.
At this point the image is quite blue, so I used a pretty drastic RBG curve to get the blue channel under control.
After that, trying to give the image a bit of “atmosphere”, I used one of my favorite tricks: tone mapping with negative strength. After that, I just activated RL sharpening.
Demosaicing in RawTherapee is really good, but CA and distortion correction is done perfectly by Iridient. In the end it is only my laziness that let me buy Iridient, and to get even worse I deleted all my RAF files from before 2019
Nice image @Sunhillow! Here is RT 5.7 + GIMP 2.10.12 attempt. The GIMP was used to increase the contrast in the image (To increase the contrast, I used the Screen blend mode on the castle and Multiply blend mode for the forest.) DSCF3855_Iri.jpg.out.pp3 (12.6 KB)