Photometric Color Calibration - Cannot download the online star catalog

Oh well done. Thx

Here we go again. Can’t get photometric calibration to work. Using a Mac OS 12.5, I get the error ‘Catalog not found’. It has worked previously. I have full connection to the internet without any other issues with other programs. I have reinstalled Siril 1.0.3 and this has still not remedied the situation. Next steps?

To be honest, on macOS I have no clue.
It uses curl, it should work out of the box.


Thanks for your very quick reply. Just installed Windows 64 bit Siril in a Parallels Virtual machine on my Mac. Same issue with catalogs with a different operating system. Do you think that I am somehow blocking them with a firewall or something else?

Oh yes. This is possible indeed.

Just because I’m stubborn, I completely turned off the firewall on my router. In spite of this I could not get a catalog using an independent Windows 11 machine, my iMac OS 12.5 or my windows 10 virtual machine. I also bypassed my home net work and used the windows 11 machine to connect via a Wi-Fi hotspot on my phone. Still no joy. Do you think the catalog servers are down?

Jack M. Bernstein

Hi… I’m new to Siril and this forum. Running Siril 1.0.3 on Windows 10 x64.
I’m seeing the same issue with photometric calibration.

I believe the problem is the colon “:” that is being added to the end of the URL that gets sent to the Simbad server.

You can see the colons at the end on several of the urls listed after the first post.

If you copy one of those urls with the colon at the end and paste it into a browser (let’s try M42) Simbad will return message indicating “*** This identifier is not correctly written: M42:” as shown below

# M42:	#Q5681228
#!Sc=Simbad (CDS, via client/server): ***  This identifier is not correctly written: M42:
# (nothing found) #
#!Vl=VizieR (local): No table found for: M42:
#!Sc=Simbad (CDS, via client/server): ***  This identifier is not correctly written: M42:


# (nothing found) #
#!Vl=VizieR (local): No table found for: M42:

#====Done (2022-Aug-11,02:41:46z)====


If you remove the colon and paste the exact same url into the browser again you successfully get results as shown here

# M42	#Q5681492
#=Sc=Simbad (CDS, via client/server):    1     0ms (from cache)
%@ @810146
%C.0 HII
%J 83.82208333 -5.39111111 = 05 35 17.3    -05 23 28    
%J.E [7500 7500 90] D 1981MNRAS.194..693L
%P 1.67 -0.30 [0.49 0.49 1] D 2009MNRAS.399.2146W
%V v 27.8 C [5] 2017A&A...600A.106C
%I.0 M  42
%I M 42
%I 3C 145
%I 4C -05.21
%I CTA 37
%I GAL 209.01-19.4
%I LBN 209.13-19.35
%I LBN 974
%I Mills 05+0A
%I MSH 05-0-11
%I NAME Great Orion Nebula
%I NAME Ori Nebula
%I NAME Orion Nebula
%I NGC 1976
%I NRL 6
%I PKS 0532-054
%I PKS 0532-05
%I XSS J05351-0519
%I [DGW65] 26
%I [KPS2012] MWSC 0582
%I [PT56] 6
%I [WCO2009] J053517-052326
#B 3919

Whatever Siril code formats the url must have been changed along the way so it is now appending the colon.

I hope this is helpful.

But why it works for other users?

Reading through the posts the only users I see who seem to have solved the issue are using Linux. I don’t see anyone on the thread who states the problem is fixed on Windows or Mac. Also the Linux solution seemed to be with the “artifacts” app image, which doesn’t install on Windows.

Most users on windows and Mac os have no issue though.
This is why I don’t get it.

Hi, I’m using SiriL on macOS and windows. Recently I started to have problems with the PCC, but only when using NOMAD catalogue. If you change it to APASS one it works as expected.

One thing that I’ve discovered is that wen trying to use NOMAD catalog, s small number of stars was downloaded

log: Reading FITS: file r_pp_ngc7023_stacked.fits, 3 layer(s), 3008x3008 pixels
OMP: Info #270: omp_set_nested routine deprecated, please use omp_set_max_active_levels instead.
OMP: Info #270: omp_get_nested routine deprecated, please use omp_get_max_active_levels instead.
log: Existing plate solve (WCS information) will be resused for image
log: Findstar: processing for channel 0...
log: Findstar: processing for channel 2...
log: Findstar: processing for channel 1...
log: Image has a field of view of 0.00 degrees, using a limit magnitude of 18.00
log: Using already downloaded star catalogue
log: The NOMAD catalog has been successfully downloaded.
log: Normalizing on red channel.
log: Applying aperture photometry to 256 stars.
log: 256 stars excluded from the calculation
log: Distribution of errors: 512 no error, 256 not in area
log: No valid stars found.
log: Existing plate solve (WCS information) will be resused for image
log: Findstar: processing for channel 0...
log: Findstar: processing for channel 2...
log: Findstar: processing for channel 1...
log: Image has a field of view of 0.00 degrees, using a limit magnitude of 17.00
log: Using already downloaded star catalogue
log: The APASS catalog has been successfully downloaded.
log: Normalizing on red channel.
log: Applying aperture photometry to 3961 stars.
log: 3055 stars excluded from the calculation
log: Distribution of errors: 3875 no error, 99 Gaussian fit failed, 2245 not in area, 652 inner radius too small, 46 aperture too small, 13 pixel out of range
log: Found a solution for color calibration using 906 stars. Factors:
log: K0: 1.000	(deviation: 0.000)
log: K1: 0.868	(deviation: 0.079)
log: K2: 2.569	(deviation: 0.649)
log: The photometric color correction seem to have found an imprecise solution, consider correcting the image gradient first
log: Background reference:
log: B0: 2.38041e-03
log: B1: 2.97551e-03
log: B2: 3.79950e-03

Hope this help

Those whole number of stars that are powers of two looks suspicious to me (256 stars, 512 no error, 256 not in area)

Be careful @rbarbera you are using dev version. A lot of things have changed.

Rafa, I’m quite puzzled by the log: Image has a field of view of 0.00 degrees line. Did you use the GUI or command to get there? Did you set pixel size and focal length correctly?

For a small recap.
Your issue @rbarbera is totally different from the other :slight_smile:

Glups! I’m afraid now :man_bowing:t2:


Any Windows clients reading this post… Are any of you using 1.0.3 that don’t have this problem with Photometric Color?

If it didn’t work on Windows, we would have a ton of messages :). It is not the case.

ping @cissou8

Thanks for investigating and for the report. I’m running Windows as well. I don’t exactly understand which url with colons you are refering to.
The 2 urls we pass, in this order, are (for m42):

and if we get no answer, we query simbad at: basic.OID, ra, dec, main_id FROM basic JOIN ident ON ident.oidref = oid WHERE id ='m42';

There is no colon anywhere (see there: src/algos/astrometry_solver.c · 1.0.3 · FA / Siril · GitLab)… and both queries are successful (I’ve just tried).
So I don’t get how a colon could be the source of your error…

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yes, it used to work with 1.0.1, no longer with 1.0.3