[Play Raw] Street scene challenge

How about this? Any better?


Yes! Hos many spots do have on the background?

Sorry, I was unclear… I did not use locallab, I used a parametric mask on green hues (for the background, plus a couple of other masks to try to emulate a progressive defocusing of the foreground)

Did you use your own custom version of RT?

yes, but you can do the same in gimp

Do you plan to commit this nice stuff to dev at some point? That would be great :wink:

No plans I’m afraid. I just don’t have the time/energy to perform the needed polishing to get this merged. Plus, it would probably be subsumed by locallab, which is being actively worked on.

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I understand. Your mask for the blur seemed really powerful though, as in local lab it’s quite hard to control the spill the of the blur, even with excluding spots.
Anyways, I’ll stop hijacking this thread!

@agriggio I like your blurring and processing. Wanted to post this yesterday but the forum didn’t let me.

Hmmmm I might be late with this one…
darktable 2.7.0+1025~g0384a4bb1-dirty

_MG_4335.CR2.xmp (11,5 KB)


_MG_4335.CR2.pp3 (11.8 KB)


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_MG_4335.CR2.xmp (80.2 KB)


@mosaster Wow, nice edit, very clear and realistic, good work!

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DT 2.7.0 _MG_4335.CR2.xmp (7.1 KB)

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It is a really nice image, having just downloaded the raw file to have a bit of a play myself I noticed the EXIF, ISO1660, F13 and 1/30. If I may offer any advice on getting a sharper image, then you really need to get your shutter speed high enough to overcome any shake from your body/hands/arms, and the camera itself, 1/100th or faster would be a good start depending on your stability.

Images like this with a wonderful background to blur out and isolate the subject do well with a shallower depth of field (note the attempts to blur the background in some of the other versions) so you would want to open your lens up by using a wider aperture, like F4. With a wider aperture letting in more light, your ISO can be dropped to a cleaner 800 or so, with an increase in shutter speed.

Done in Rawtherapee.

street-scene-challenge.jpg.out.pp3 (11.3 KB)

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Couldn’t help but try a B&W too

street-scene-challenge-2.jpg.out.pp3 (11.4 KB)


@plaven Thanks for the advice!

My take. Zoom and enjoy!

PhotoFlow: minimal linear no-clip.
G’MIC: filter pixels, 4 curves, guided smooth, dehaze, local contrast, 3 curves, resize.


Thanks, @afre, I liked that. It’s strong, without disturbing. Well balanced.