[PlayRaw] Oronsay Island, Skye

IMGP2593.PEF.pp3 (12.0 KB)
Same as my before attempt but with more brightness and less contrast :slight_smile:

Starting with Rawtherapee, then GIMP and layers with Photoflow and a little finish off in Rawtherapee…

I would use LuminanceHDR and Nik also but kept it simple…!


Thanks everyone for their various edits of the photo. I’m going to put my thinking cap on, and use some of the ideas to redit my master of the photo, for submission to my local photographic associations internal competition. :slight_smile:

Good luck and thanks for sharing!

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Lovely capture. Thanks for sharing!
Really quick edit using DT and GIMP.

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This in DT, did some basic tonal changes (including global tonemap with subtract blend at low opacity) then saved as tiff; then lowpass, highpass to bring out cliffs, color zones (drawn masks) on the algae to shift to red, then saved as jpg.

Retouched jpg in DT with graduated density to purple the sky, and cropped to golden mean spiral sections—not sure I like the crop much as it cut out the brilliant sky.

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@Kane_Davis Very cheerful! Good crop.

Darktable IMGP2593.PEF.xmp (9.5 KB)

IMGP2593.PEF.pp3 (10.1 KB)



@Thano9 Welcome to the forum! Nice series of PlayRaw entries. It would be nice if you revealed some of your workflow via a sidecar or a few sentences.

IMGP2593.PEF.pp3 (10.6 KB)

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Brian, thanks for sharing this. Your original take is sill my favourite of all that I have seen in the thread. The moodiness of the clouds is maybe more than would be my taste, but it is, after all, personal preference.

Composition/crop was the most difficult, but I ended up with 3:1 like you. However I used a golden spiral to focus on the tension between th etop right of the island “conning tower” and the headland behind it to the right. Then it was a matter of texture for the clouds and lightening the grass on the island. The foreground grass tended to steal attention so I “cheated” a little by using a vignette.

My effort using darktable:


IMGP2593.PEF.xmp (7.7 KB)
IMGP2593_01.PEF.xmp (8.1 KB)

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Great Shot!! Hope you like the edit with darktable

IMGP2593.PEF.xmp (23.2 KB)


darktable 2.6.1

IMGP2593.PEF.xmp (12,9 Ko)

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Tick tock, tick tock, a year and a half late to this party…super capture @Brian_Innes!

IMGP2593.PEF.xmp (4.1 KB)

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Probably could have achieved the same result with a more efficient pixelpipe.

IMGP2593.PEF.xmp (71.1 KB)

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Hi @anivegmin and welcome! It is customary for the play raw that you also post your sidecar file (xmp, pp3, etc) so that others can learn.

Thanks. I’ve uploaded the xmp file.