[PlayRaw] Sailing Scene @ Garda Lake

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RawTherapee and GIMP gave me this:

Unfortunately I wasn’t on that boat but it would be great! :slight_smile:

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Rawtherapee and the auto stretch contrast tool in gimp

I was playing with G’MIC and accidentally came across an interesting effect. Thought it might suit this photo. Minimal processing. The contrast might be too low for your liking…

1. PhotoFlow → basic processing → filmic (OCIO; very low contrast)
2. gmic→ new effect

Zoom 100% and enjoy!

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My take using Rawtherapee:

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Of the ones uploaded so far, the one I like best is the one uploaded by @yteaot

And another version for consideration.

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What I don’t like are the artifacts in the clouds; they are quite numerous and distracting. I know that @yteaot tends to push the processing to the seams and I agree it seems to work for this photo.

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Garde See or Lago de Garda? I saw it 60 years ago driving South from Germany into Italy in a Rambler Station Wagon that came across the Atlantic on the Queen Elizabeth. In those daze the Rambler was a small car in the States–and an enormous one in Europe. I’ll see what I can do.

…or maybe not. I only see a jpeg to download.

I completely missed that until pulling up the larger version. For me it was the mountains and the greenery that made it.

darktable 2.6.1

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Managed to recover some detail in the dark hazy mountains. However, there’s very little color information there. Tough shot to get right and you exposed maybe a bit to conservatively leaving not a lot tonal range to work with. On the plus side, no blown out highlights in the sky.

I started with the filmic module to get the overall tone right. I then used the haze filter and zone system to compress the mountains with a parametric mask to limit the effect a bit. Then I used a series of tone curves to work on the sky and the mountains again. I used color zones to boost contrast outside a narrow band of blue that seems to make the most of this. Denoise profile to smooth out some of the noise in the dark parts.

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darktable 2.6.1 TRY N&B

_DSC0047_02.NEF.xmp (6,5 Ko)

I wasn’t happy with the previous version and worked a bit on color and lightness using the previous as a starting point. Split toning helps get rid of the yellow cast in the sky. Also managed to brighten the whole scene without destroying the detail and worked on bringing out local contrast in the shadows. There’s still a bit of a halo around the mountain. But overall this looks very different from the unprocessed raw.

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New try

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@yteaot Much better. Despite being critical :face_with_monocle:, I always appreciate your entries because they bring out a lot of the detail that I would otherwise miss in others’ work.

I see a little bit or red but this seems very natural to me! good work
