and here’s my try… I’m impressed with this camera’s sensor, such a step forward! I will definitely consider upgrading to this from my Sony a5000
Very sneaky castle @todd!
@vivo Francesco, that’s a really pleasing version
Thank you
I often like a bit of pink in these types of shots, and I softened the water with a grad mask as I feel the relative high detail in the water is somewhat distracting from the overall scene.
I found the same, so concentrated on the overall feel rather than trying to force detail and colour out of low light.
Beautiful! Castello al Lago Toblino (Trento)? Would like to be there
Yes, good catch!
I really love this one. Would love to see your xmp file.
I looked around, but wasn’t able to find it on my drive…
I’m honored that you would ask,
Do you maybe have the exported JPEG file? It seems that this forum strips the metadata from files, otherwise we could just extract the XMP from it.
4 posts were split to a new topic: Image Upload Issues?
I think there are several way of handling shots like this. I might try another but can’t get macrofusion to work. With that I would produce 3 different exposures from the raw file and blend them. The same thing can be done in the gimp with layers and masks etc. It’s hard to predict the result via macrofusion so in some ways GIMP is better but it takes longer.
I started off with a full sized flat image from the raw file via rawtherapee.
UnveilCastle.jpg.out.pp3 (9.3 KB)
I recollect briefly using tone mapping.
I then switched to Fotoxx to use it’s tone mapping. It has a curve that controls what contrast levels are tone mapped. Heavy sharpening first using a 5 pixel rad on the full sized image. Then tone mapping followed by selective curves work on the sky and land. This left a selection line on the high contrast boundaries. A blend brush has been added recently so I used that on the line. New tool and I think it could do neater job than this. Then reduction and the usual post reduction sharpening.
Lastly a bit more brightening in places using the gimp. The usual desaturated inverted layer in soft light mode but I also used curves on it so that mainly brightened dark areas.
At this point I would probably normally go through all of the steps again.
Sorry to bump this old thread up, but I just gave this picture another try with the latest RT… I used all the new tools that will be in 5.4, plus some old-but-still-good ones
I think I’m happy with the results, but I am curious to hear some feedback (also negative, of course!).
I remember trying my hand at this one, but didn’t submit because I couldn’t get anything I liked.
It’s a very difficult image to bring detail out of, probably going beyond the limits of what is achievable e.g. there’s very little information left in the trees on the left.
That said, I think this shows the power of the new tools. But ultimately the information isn’t there, so the trees still look blocky and the image still looks a bit grey.
The sky looks nice, and the halos aren’t intrusive. I like that the most distant parts still have a little haze, it looks natural, and I prefer natural. The closer part of the mountain still looks slightly too washed out, but this is partly to do with the greyness.
To clarify, I am nit picking, I couldn’t get anything close to what you have achieved. I think it is a very good attempt, and probably my favourite out of all the attempts posted.
Oh, and thank you for the new tools I’m looking forward to 5.4.