Problem compiling luminancehdr on mac OS X 12

@HIRAM Are there other changes to be submitted to master?

Gentlemen: It’s amazing what we can achieve when we cooperate. The future will be a fantastic place. By 2050, there could be more people alive (10 billion) than all the humans in history. And we’re connected together as never before by our digital technology. Life is good.

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Another thing, is this build going to replace the old one? Meaning: does it runs on El Cap and later? If this is the case, is the old build better on Sierra and newer (in terms of stability, performance)?

@clanmills just few people don’t realize that yet: the POWER ELITE!!!

@fcomida Technically the build using the 10.9 SDK will not be taking advantage of the SDK developments since then which would be present in the 10.12 build. I have no idea to what extent that affects the performance.
@clanmills I haven’t had to touch the 2.5.1 code beside your additions to findfftw.cmake. Just had to set the OS X version environment variable and the cmake sysroot argument to point to the imported SDK.

It’s a tax loophole which doesn’t yet exist.

@HIRAM Since we already have a build with the new SDK I just renamed your last one Luminance_HDR_2.5.1_osx_10.11.dmg

OK. BTW theoretically it should work on 10.9+ as I used the 10.9 sdk.

I’ll submit the change to findfftw.cmake and we’re good.

I’d be surprised if there’s anything in MacOS-X 10.12 that makes much difference to LHDR. Apple appear to have lost interest in desktops and servers and pumping all their energy into the iPhone. If LHDR wanted to use the touch-pad doo-dah in the latest MacBooks, it’d have to be build with the 10.12 SDK. However the UI and Core Graphics in 10.12 is probably most unchanged in the last 10 years.

@HIRAM I put that information in the website

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@fcomida Can I trouble you to update Findfftwf.cmake. I don’t understand git

530 rmills@rmillsmbp:~/gnu/git/LuminanceHDR $ git commit -a build_files/Modules/Findfftwf.cmake fatal: Paths with -a does not make sense. 531 rmills@rmillsmbp:~/gnu/git/LuminanceHDR $

# FFTWF_LIBRARIES = libfftw3.a
# FFTWF_FOUND = true if FFTW3 is found






  MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR "Could not find FFTW3F")


Sure, I pushed it to development branch. Git is kinda different from other versioning management systems. git commit -a does not accept other arguments, it stages and commit all modified files at once

Exiv2 moved to Git with v0.26 on 2017-04-28. Ben is our expert and a very nice guy. He’ll keep me out of trouble as I get up to speed.

I’m using SmartGIT because SmartSVN has been a daily companion for the last 10 years. When I change code in Exiv2, my changes are easy to inspect in the GUI and easy to commit/push to master. However in the Luminance repository, although I have changed findfftw.cmake, SmartGIT didn’t seem to know about the changes.

529 rmills@rmillsmbp:~/gnu/git/LuminanceHDR $ git status build_files/Modules/Findfftwf.cmake 
On branch master
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'.
Changes not staged for commit:
  (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
  (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)

	modified:   build_files/Modules/Findfftwf.cmake

no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")
530 rmills@rmillsmbp:~/gnu/git/LuminanceHDR $

I’m hoping to quickly come up to speed on git and have been told there’s a considerable period of confusion before the “Ah ha” moment when you “get git”. Thanks for helping.

I would agree, @clanmills, git is very confusing until it “clicks”; after it clicks, it is a fantastic tool. Took me a few months of feeling around before I got it.

Thanks for the encouragement. I’m sure it’ll be great when I get there. At the moment, the Exiv2 project is remarkably quiet, so I’ve only made 3 or 4 small submissions. I’m glad to be having a rest. And I’ve enjoyed this little “vacation” with fun folks on the Luminance HDR Team. Every few years, there’s a new software mountain to be climbed. Pascal, C++, Windows and so on. RCS, SourceSafe, CVS, Perforce and SVN are better implementations of the same client/server SCM model. Git’s much more than an improvement - it’s a paradigm shift. C++ (and STL) was a large mountain that revealed a better land. I know Git will be equally rewarding.

@clanmills I agree that git is tremendous once it clicks. I found these indispensable:

I like this site:

Thanks @Morgan_Hardwood and @paperdigits

I bought an eBook version of “The Book” in 2013 (and didn’t read much of it because I wasn’t using Git for anything). I ordered a printed copy of the 2nd Edition. This is an essential tool. Time to learn. The other sites/tutorial/interactive doo-dahs all look interesting.

I’ve always found that working with a new technology is the way to learn. When I’m in deep water, I have to learn to swim! And I’m very pleased to have my buddy Ben on Team Exiv2 with me. He’s very experienced in Git and will dig me out of trouble. However, the learning is my responsibility.

When I was reading the book in 2013, I made this map to help my old brain.

Thank you all for your encouragement.

@HIRAM @clanmills align_image_stack not executable

Franco: @HIRAM and I are working on the Luminance build on Yosemite (MacOS 10.10) on a VM on the Exiv2 buildserver. The Exiv2 buildserver is a MacMini sitting on my desk. The work is proceeding well. We’ll update you later this week.

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@clanmills @HIRAM Guys what about Travis CI? It seems that opensource projects can build on their servers and it’s integrated with GitHub, Daniel looked at it some time ago, when I have time I’ll dig more into their documentation to see what it can do.