Problem with halos


I’m having a problem with the following sunset. I’m seeing a halo around the sun in my development:

However in the JPEG direct from the camera, the halo seems not to be there or at least it’s not so pronounced like in my development from RAW:

Do you have any ideas what can be the reason for this halo and how to get rid of it?


DSC09646.ARW (23.8 MB)
DSC09646.ARW.xmp (13.2 KB)

This file is licensed Creative Commons, By-Attribution, Share-Alike.

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Here’s my version:

DSC09646.ARW.xmp (12.8 KB)

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Might be a few things going on, might just be processing steps.

Exiftool reports the white-level as 15360 for this file, while Darktable sets it too high.

Setting white-level to 15360, disabling highlight reconstruction and filmic and lowering exposure way down you can see what’s in your sensor data (sort of):

I think the halo you are referring to is visible here, and is basically heavy fringing / chromatic aberrations I’m guessing.

I’ve been toying around, but I’ve issues getting the look from the jpeg.
Probably because it’s full of the chroma-shift that filmic tries so hard to prevent :wink: .

But that little red border is hard to remove, maybe a lens-profile might help.

DSC09646.ARW.xmp (24.4 KB)

If I process the ARW through DxO, it’s also an unknown lens so no lens corrections, but I can crank the chromatic-aberrations module up and enable ‘fringing correction’ to get rid of it.

Saving that as a DNG and processing it in Darktable gives an easier workflow for me, but it’s obviously not for everyone :wink: .

DSC09646_fix.dng (38.3 MB)

RGB white balance and oklab tonemapping at 20% strength (pratically hue is 80% from the rgb tonemapped image to match the sony colors)

RGB white balance and oklab tonemapping at 100% strength

DCP profile and oklab tonemapping at 100% strength

CAT white balance and oklab tonemapping at 100% strength (I’ve used ART and Photoflow but colors are similar to Darktable’s rendering)

@7osema CAT white balance looks off to me, maybe a little too much pink-ish.
Thanks to share these pictures!

Yes, I think thats the case. Another example where a “broken” image looks better that the right one :wink:

I’m using old lens: a Canon AE 135mm F3.5 Stephen Daugherty Photography - Canon New FD 135mm f/3.5. So I don’t think there is a lens profile for it.

There is something strange with those lens. Sometimes I get strong shadows in one border of the picture like in the following case:

DSC09617.ARW (23.9 MB)

But sometimes I don’t see it at all, like in this case:

DSC09630.ARW (23.8 MB)

Does someone have an idea why this happens?

@jorismak What are for you the advantages using the DNG format?

@age First I found the sony colours better, but the following day I observed the sunset again while watching the pictures :smiley: I realised that the colours I get with darktable are more similar to what I saw in reality.

Those files are licensed Creative Commons, By-Attribution, Share-Alike.


None, as the format has nothing to do with it :).

I use a commercial application to open and demosaic the raw file , and apply some fixes (like in this case the chromatic aberrations around the sun disc ) before loading it into Darktable.

Darktable works faster because it doesn’t has to do sharpening , denoising, demosaicing, etc…

In this case, the only reason is that i can’t seem to get rid of the red fringing around the sun with the ‘chromatic aberration’ module in Darktable, but DxO’s aberration fixer clears it right up.

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