Rapid Photo Downloader 0.9.0a4 is released

Don’t do this! As it says on the website:

Caution: untarring the archive, building it and installing it using
sudo python3 setup.py install
is not supported, and not recommended.

If you are running Fedora or Ubuntu/Debian or a system based off of them, use the install script that I provided. It takes care of all the dependencies and installs everything automatically.

You must run the command ./install.py rapid-photo-downloader-0.9.0a4.tar.gz from the same directory that you save the install.py script and the tar file. Do not add quote marks. Do not add spaces.

If you have untarred the rapid-photo-downloader-0.9.0a4.tar.gz, delete whatever you extracted. Do not try to install it using the extracted contents.

I have not tested Linux Mint. Can you copy and paste the contents of /etc/os-release here? Thanks.[quote=“Fotonut, post:8, topic:1668”]
a ppa or .deb/rpm installers available?

Some key dependencies that Rapid Photo Downloader requires are not packaged, e.g. python-gphoto2. I filed a request that it be packaged in Debian a year ago.

@damonlynch The only thing in my /opt folder is a google folder for chrome. There is nothing else.

I installed the files Stuart suggested, but still get this…

fotonut@fotonut ~/Downloads $ ./install.py rapid-photo-downloader-0.9.0a4.tar.gz
bash: ./install.py: No such file or directory

Even though I’m installing from the directory the said .tar.gz folder resides.

Moving the .tar.gz folder to /Home and attempting to install from there returns the same output.

I have also deleted the extracted folders.

You have to download the install script too. If you don’t download it, you cannot install it. The link for the install script is located near the top of this page: Rapid Photo Downloader: Download and Install

Thanks Damon, but pardon my ignorance, but when I click on the script it shows code. What am I meant to do with that?

When you click on it, you are opening it in an editor or viewer or something similar.

When you prepend ./ in front of it, from the command line, you are running the script. In this case you want to run the script, not open it.

So what you do is open the terminal window, change directory to where install.py and rapid-photo-downloader-0.9.0a4.tar.gz are located, and run the script like this:

./install.py rapid-photo-downloader-0.9.0a4.tar.gz

Use your browser’s “Save link as…” to save it to the folder where the tarball is located. Before running it, make it executable by running chmod u+x install.py.


Good point! I’ll change the instructions to prepend python3, working around that particular problem.

Great idea! Now that I’ve followed @floessie’s instructions, it started installing, but ended thus…

It’s failing when installing pyzmq. You’re installing it on Linux Mint right? It looks like they don’t package g++ by default, whereas Ubuntu does.

I’m not a C++ programmer these days (haven’t been so for 20+ years!), so I’m not up to speed with which version of g++ is used by default. So to be start with, do this from a terminal window:

sudo apt-get install g++

then run the install script again.

so I downloaded and installed g++, and rerun the script, everything seemed to go well but didn’t install. Couldn’t find the icon under graphics, so ran ‘rapid-photo-downloader’ in terminal, which told me it wasn’t installed, but suggested I install it thus ‘sudo apt-get install rapid-photo-downloader’ so I did. What installed was an old version 0.4.

At this point, it would seem I’ve perhaps installed more extras than I’d intended to get one app to work, and I’m not sure I really want to go any further.

Whilst I really appreciate your work and dedication to this project, there really has to be a much simpler way to install? Have you considered Flatpak, Snaps even appimage?

As far as I understand you are trying to install an (incomplete) alpha version. I would guess once it’s ready for release you will get packages that are easy to install for major distributions and a while after that the distributions will package the new version and you will install it even simpler. As you installed the “old” version (0.4.11 is the latest released version).

The complicated install procedure you are describing is for early testers.

One person has kindly volunteered to attempt to put together a snap package. Let’s see how he gets on. I hope it works out.

I don’t expect there will be a Debian/Ubuntu deb or Fedora RPM package any time soon. It really does take expert knowledge to create one of those, because in this case several dependencies also need to be packaged.

In theory I could take the time to develop that expertise. But it would take a serious amount of time, and any time I put into that is time taken from developing the program itself. And that’s time I don’t have.

At issue here is that generally speaking, if we look at the big picture, there is a large number of programs and program libraries that would be great to have packaged in the major Linux distros, but which are not packaged. They are not packaged because there is too much to package and not enough people to do it. Moreover, sometimes packaging decisions are made by volunteers who are not experts in what they’re packaging, so sometimes the wrong software library is packaged, or it is given the wrong name, etc. Once these errors are made, it’s not easy to undo them.

Snap packages are one approach to solve this problem. AppImage and FlatPaks are another approach to solve similar but not identical problems. I really hope they work out, because the current system is unsustainable, even for the biggest distros like Debian and Arch.

Back to the topic of Rapid Photo Downloader packaging itself. For now, the only way to install it is using the current method. That may change when and if a snap package arrives. If an official Fedora or Debian/Ubuntu packager decides they like the program enough, someone might decide to put the time into package it. As i say, I can’t do that myself.

@Fotonut part of the problem you are seeing is that you’re using Linux Mint. I haven’t tested the installation of my program at all on Linux Mint, especially not a beta version of that distro. I’ve tested it on the entire Ubuntu family and Fedora. Meanwhile please be patient because I’m doing my best.

Thanks for the explanation @damonlynch, I think I’ll wait until LM18 goes to final (hopefully in a couple of weeks) and try again then.

I’m struggling to get this installed on a Raspberry Pi. I had version 0.9 working with Ubuntu on a netbook and now I’m trying to get it installed with Ubuntu Mate on a Raspberry Pi 3. 0.4 runs but I was having issues getting it to scan iOS so that is why I want 0.9 but it will just not install. If I run the installation script with 0.4 installed, it does not overwrite and running the app opens 0.4. If I uninstall the 0.4 package and run the installation script I get a “No such file or directory” error. Any idea what I am missing?

What version of python is on your system? Looks like a mismatch.

It’s working now and I don’t think I did anything other than reboot. But its working like a charm and I’m much happier

The install script does not uninstall the previous 0.4.x version, correct. If you don’t want the previous version, uninstall it using the Ubuntu system tools.

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After having used the version 0.4 for some years on ubuntu and kubuntu systems, I reinstalled it on a new system - this time Linux Mint Cinnamon - and have found the following “bug”: when I deselect all and then select any number of photos, and then want to click-mark them for downloading, only every second file is selected. Clicking again selects the other pictures but unselects the preciously selected.
Unnerved, I deinstalled the Programm and tried to install the new version 0.9 following the instructions on the website. However, the installation routine refuses to recognize the Python3 and PyQt5 I did install via Mint’s regular sources.

I am willing to work with any version that acutally works - so can any one help me to fix the one or the other problem?

That’s a known Gtk+ 2.x bug. The latest version of Rapid Photo Downloader uses Qt and not Gtk.

You don’t mention which version of Linux Mint you’re running but it might be that your version is too old.

Thank you for that very quick answer -
would it help to install the qt-default? and if yes, should I prefer qt5-default or qt4-default?

I do use the latest version Linux Mint 18…