Raw Samples Wanted

Thank you for contributing the sample set! I’ve now verified it.

It’s my fault, the signal-to-noise ratio with new uploads, by now,
has become abysmally low, so the sample review process
is grinding to a halt. I need to look into redesigning
the admin view of RPU, to improve the situation…

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Are these still required?

Canon (CHDK): both the old-style CRW, and new DNG

I can see there’s still a call for them on the site, but just wanted to check in case they’ve since been submitted but the site hasn’t been updated — I did do a quick search, and it didn’t yeild any results.

If so, I should be able to provide both CRW and DNG CHDK RAWs sometime over the weekend.

I take it, from the lack of any response, they are not.