RawTherapee 5.5 is one week away

The one linked from RawTherapee.com

Ok I think that means the build was generated by @Carmelo_DrRaw who might know what is going on.

A screenshot and more info would be helpful.

Sorry. Its on my home computer which I need to vie for time on with a couple of teenage girls… As I said, I have barely had any time to troubleshoot it yet. But here is what I have done:
Download and install with default settings.
Uninstall 5.4.
Right click on .RAF file and choose open with > [navigate to the .exe and select].

I did follow the link the link from the start menu to unsure I had the right .exe. And opening RT first and opening the .RAF from the GUI worked fine.

@HIRAM @gaaned92
FYI, I am trying to update my automated build environment to use the MSYS2 packages (the same that @gaaned92 is using). Hopefully this will improve the package reliability…


If you installed Rawtherapee with the installer,

  • in file context menu you should have the entry: Open with RawTherapee

  • in directory contect menu: Browse with Rawtherapee

A bit of an update. It turns out the file does open, i just didn’t wait long enough. But the console opens a few seconds before the actual app opens. Closing the console closes the app as well.

Update 2. It appears to be a debug console.

  • Rawtherapee console (@Carmelo_DrRaw and @gaaned92 builds)
    If you use context menu either open with or open with rawtherapee, a rawtherapee console opens.(I don’t know why)
    In the former case, you don’t have an edit console. As it is slow and you have to reopen RT for each image, I should prefer the second way.
    If you use Browse with rawtherapee there is no console.

  • GTK warnings
    I cannot reproduce here on W10 with both builds.

I will have a look now




The console was open in the background, so I do not know exactly what I did to trigger the warnings.
Some stuff I remember doing (not necessarily in order)

  • I looked around the settings to try to figure out how to set default demosaic to 3 pass + fast (still working on how to do this :thinking:)
  • I mapped to the HaldCLut folder
  • I mapped to the film sim folder
  • I edited a .RAF and saved jpg
  • Copied the processing parameters to a couple of other .RAFs
  • Fine tuned other .RAFs and saved as jpgs

I hope this helps

@chaimav film sim folder and HaldClut folder are the same right ? (sorry out of context) just making sure I didn’t miss out on a new feature to emulate films other than hald cluts

It’s the Film Simulation tool which uses the HaldCLUT directory

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Create a pp3 which does that and set it as your default pp3 in preferences dialog

Yes. Sorry about that. I was rambling on and didn’t realize I typed the same thing twice :flushed:

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Thanks. Although this does not seem like the most intuitive method. Are there any thoughts of making it a standard option in the settings dialog?

@chaimav Yet another button might not be helpful either, since RT’s interface is cluttered with goodies as it is…

@chaimav what would be more intuitive? From my perspective, that is the most intuitive.

I figured that demosaicing is something done on virtually every image I touch with RT and it it generally not something I generally fiddle with on a per image basis. Also there was an ‘out of the box’ default setting.

To me, my first place to look was to go digging around the preferences dialog for a dropdown to set a default.

P.S. out of curiosity, what would happen if I set my default pp3 on an X-Trans image but then try to edit a Bayer one?