RawTherapee 5.8 Released

Thanks a lot, I missed the right-click trick :slight_smile:

Yep, no problem. I’ll push tomorrow…

i cant install on Windows. I see only the version from feb 4


Or Release Automated Builds · Beep6581/RawTherapee · GitHub for all releases. If you want to try the latest changes, try


same issue. do i need to uninstall the old version?

just downloading… i will try it

What is the issue, exactly? Please be as specific as possible.

I was able to successfully install multiple versions of RT installed on a Windows. (Its actually a bit annoying when I upgrade, I have to go back and uninstall the old version to reclaim the HD space)

the file on github is working. thanks all for the support.

it was not installing on Windows. there was not any error

What does “not installing” mean? What were the signs and symptoms?

Works great! Thanks for the devs for making it happen. I’m not sure how you do what you do.

Just out of curiosity, will there ever be an in-app method for adding modules to the Favorites tab? The manual method is definitely do-able, I was just wondering if it will be integrated into the program itself at some point.

Small qualm. When I save from editor, I often make the mistake of saving to the wrong folder. My bad. In Windows, RT opens the last opened folder when I hit save. It would be convenient if the location defaulted to where the pp3 or raw files are. Does this happen in other OSes? Should I open an issue or search if it exists?

@Rick currently there is no work being done on that.

@afre that is on purpose. There is a link to the “current” folder placed for your convenience in the bookmarks bar on the left side of the save window.

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Forgot about that. Sometimes I assume the same behaviour as the Queue (set it and forget it) and make a quick save.

Hi there,

I just installed the 5.8 (February 4 version) on Windows and Linux.

On both systems rawtherapee detects my Sony ILCE 6400 fine but not the lenses: E 35mm f/1.8 OSS and E PZ 16-50mm f/3.5-5.6 OSS. I can manually select these lenses in the lens profile menu of Rawtherapee just fine and than they will work just fine too so they are installed. They just do not get automatically detected…


I have a similar issue with RT 5.8 built from sources (branch release-5.8) on Fedora 31. Nikon Z6 is detected automatically, but I have to select the lens 24-70 F4 S manually. BTW the same combination is detected automatically in Art.

I’ll repost this in its own tread because i’m not sure if people are reading this…


No need to bump the thread if you were just going to make a new one. :wink: