Rawtherapee - color grading landscape photos

I’m experimenting with improving the colors of my landscape photos. Espaccialy the greens and blues in the photo.
What I like to do is desaturate the greens a little and shift the greens a bit to yellow (with Lab Adjustments).
I’m not sure what to do with the blues.

What are your favorite color improvements on landscape photos? And what tools do you use for this?

Hi @leendertv,

Spontaneously, I would use the very versatile Local adjustments for those tasks.

Here is a good presentation of the possibilities Local Adjustments - RawPedia

Have fun!
Claes in Lund, Sweden

Usually I use :

I guess HSV Equalizer is what you want.

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It’s ironic we play in RGB, but our eyes only give us RG…

Expansion of greenery (unflattening, increasing variety of greens)

Photo by andabata CC-BY [Play Raw] meanwhile in the forest...

Sky blueing:

Photo by freepenguin84 CC-BY How to get a pleasing result in a quick way? (Comparison to Lightroom)

Plants are tuned to sunlight and we sense green. Green = food.
Iron oxide is red, blood has iron and we sense red. Red = ouch.
We don’t sense blue, we perceive it. Dust in the sky filters sunlight and turns it blue. Water reflects the blue sky. Landscapes will be reflective of the blue sky also. Some languages like Gaelic and Vienamese lack a word for blue where it’s usually called by the (or one of the) words for green.

None of this matters unless you are calibrating your monitor regularly, because they are subtle adjustments, and any adjustment made under miscalibration is likely to detract from the naturalism of the underlying photography.

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Our eyes gives us visible colors like a rainbow, mostly grouped into


We do not feel blue, blue is a visible color.

You can see it very good if there is nothing more than a fantastic blue sky :butterfly:

If there is nothing more than a blue sky, then it is not even a landscape…

This is completely inaccurate.

The use of the L-a-b Adjustments tool is correct for editing the blue in the sky. Typically, I select the blue channel and decrease the Lightness by Hue (LH) and increase the chromaticity by Hue (CH). I don’t know if you’ve seen my YT channel FOSS Edits, but in my Quick Tips series I showed the use of this tool, in case you weren’t aware. Someone else asked about doing this, so I just might make a video soon.

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Sorry, i am Offtopic, it is:

Color grading landscape photos