Hi there, first time poster so please excuse me if I do something wrong.
Trying to edit this sony raw file (new camera) and whilst I don’t want to create the same as the in camera jpg I would like to reproduce the rich depth of colour in the squirrel seen in the JPG. Everything I try just makes the Squirrel too red.
This file is licensed [Creative Commons, By-Attribution, Share-Alike DSC00947.ARW (20.1 MB)
Thanks Tim
I’ve used your settings and my colours are a lot better now. I notice you switch off the colour calibration module. I thought we were to use this in Darktable for white balance? Having said that I couldn’t get a good white balance in the colour calibration module - anything I tried made the whole image too warm. Turning it off solved my problem.
My try using RT 5.11 dev.
I mainly used -0.5 EV exposure correction and DR compression for the burnt parts. White Balance was Temperature Correllation, as this gave the most pleasing colours for me.
Technically using CC isn’t a true white balance… it’s end result is to try and represent scene neutral using a CAT instead of set white with simple multipliers…This often does look a bit extra dull or off from what wb would give but it is intended that or it’s generally necessary to use CB to restore or drive the image hues and saturation. Often the two approaches are fairly similar but other times you can see a considerable difference
The main point of the edit was to show the squirrel only, not all the distracting stuff in the surroundings. So I left them in as being irrelevant to the main point of the edit. For the same reasoning, I did nothing with the harsh shadows on the animal’s back caused by the lighting.