Hello, someone can explain me step by step how to remove red eyes from an person or animal in a picture? Am new user and testing the program.
Thanks in advance and greetings from Belgium
Hello, someone can explain me step by step how to remove red eyes from an person or animal in a picture? Am new user and testing the program.
Thanks in advance and greetings from Belgium
I can’t find it on Rawtherapee 5.3
@HIRAM is using a development build of RawTherapee.
Yes it is the so-called “newlocallab” branch build. It is a tool to localize certain adjustments.
Is it working in W10? Thanks for the help but still have to find the way, am coming from Lightroom
Look into the link to the @gaaned92 builds for 64-bit windows. Newlocallab will be in there.
It should work for w10.
Welcome to the free world! Enjoy!
That being said, coming from anything commercial to RT is a quantum leap; there is a learning curve for each tool, and I commend you for being willing to jump into the fray. There are other ways to go about getting rid of the red eye, just pointing you to the tool I use most often.
Will try it, thanks @HIRAM for the help Any tip is welcome.
Yes, I use it on WIN10.
@HIRAM which link is the right one? I installed the first one an could not start the program anymore! Had a popup with runtime error, I installed again the official version 5.3 and it works again
The “newlocallab” one
Yeah, sorry if I was unclear.
Is there a pre-compiled Windows-version of RawTherapee newlocallab?
Thank you!