In case of any problems with RawTherapee (RT), please, read this post carefully. For more information check RAWPEDIA
- All my files are exported 900 by 900 pixels.
Did You use “Fast Export” tab? If that’s the case, please check the bottom of it, where size limit is set to 900 by 900 by default. Remember that there is batch processing queue (“Queue”, usually at the upper-left corner). It is the right way to export images.
- RT exports files bigger than it should.
Do You mean that You paid for 6000 by 4000 pixels camera, but RT is actually exporting (for example) 6024 by 4024? That is absolutely normal. RT is using all available pixels, without cropping the troublesome border. In camera jpegs and many other RAW processing apps, are lazy, and don’t care about that. RT’s output is not scaled, it has more pixels for free. How cool is that?
- I try to use some tools but whatever I do, there is no effect.
Did You click the “On” icon next to tool’s name? Please do.
- RT does not see my photos.
So You open RT, and click the folder’s name, right? There are no photos shown? Try to double-click it, because single-click selects the folder, without opening it. If this does not help, go to MENU → FILE BROWSER → PARSED EXTENSIONS, and see if the file extension of Your photos is “ticked”.
- Why RT is adding vignetting/CA/distortion to my images?
RT is NOT modifying images without informing You about it, and letting You turn it off. At the same time, if You enable distortion, vignetting or chromatic aberration correction in-camera, you always see corrected (and usually cropped) image. You may be not aware of its actual quality. Some software apply similar corrections (some of them do not allow to turn it off) so You may be surprised when You see the original image for the first time. Still You are welcome to use RT to remove CA, vignetting etc.
- RT’s output is soft and noisy.
Similarly to previous question - RT is showing original quality, without enhancing it under the hood. In-camera processing engine as well as many 3rd party applications are not so kind, and sharpen as well as denoise images by default (even at low ISOs). You are welcome to apply sharpening and denoising in RT.
- How can I remove red eyes/apply local corrections.
At the moment I write this, this is not supported natively by RT. There are however a couple of options:
there is an experimental branch of RT (called “locallab”), which allows local editing, and there are plans to integrate it in the near future (don’t ask when, the answere is “when it is ready”).
RT can cooperate with GIMP, either by calling GIMP from RT, or by using RT as a GIMP plug-in for opening RAW files.
- When I open RAW file in RT it looks nothing like jpeg out of the camera.
It is normal. Every camera/application has it’s own RAW processing engine, algorithms, default settings and color profiles. You may try to mimic the jpeg look if You wish, but RT is not having cameras original color profiles (those are not free), and has different (in many cases superior) algorithms. Still, try “auto matched tone curve” for a good start.
- RT is showing dark, muted colors.
When You apply (or use by default) “neutral” profile, colors will be muted and image will lack contras. That’s how it should be. Please apply tone curve like EVERY other application and enjoy beautyfull image.
- How can I get unprocessed image in RT?
Turn off ALL tools (including white balance), select input profile as “none”, choose demosaicing as “none” or “monochrome”. The result will be still processed (it has to be) but far less than before.
- I found a bug. What should I do?
First of all - make sure it is not user error. Google it and browse the forum. Maybe it is already known. If not, make sure you use LATEST version of RT. I even suggest to download one of the bleeding edge unofficial packages (link) to see if the problem is still there.
If this did not help - write about Your problem on the forum, or even better, directly at github. BE VERY CLEAR AND DETAILED. Show some screenshots, upload problematic RAW files, write all the steps necessary to reproduce the problem, also add info about Your operating system and version of RT.
- Highlights are pinkish.
OK, this is wrong saturation point for Your camera in RT. You can fix that by using “Raw White Points” correction in “Raw” tab. By default it is set to 1. Increase it to 1.01, 1.02 … until the highlights are fine. Then write about that on the forum. Be prepared to share some RAW files requested by developers, so that they can change Your camera’s data.
- For some reasons blue (and blue only) is not responsive in RT.
In some tools, when You change blue, the effect is hard to spot. That’s because there is a lot of unvisible blue in ProPhoto colorspace. If you want to fix that, use narrowgamut colorspace like sRGB (see COLOR TAB → COLOR MANAGEMENT → WORKING PROFILE).