Siril, a software for astrophotography on Linux

I’ve sent an email to asking if I can make a torrent out of his data sets and upload them to

Maybe we should start collecting data sets (not just astral, but panorama, HDR, etc)? I can certainly seed torrents, I’ve got about 5 TB of unused space and recently upgraded my internet connection to 150Mbps upload.

I think that’s a good idea.

meanwhile I’ve loaded this dataset M42 into DeepSkyStacker - so it looks it should all be there

but as don’t know much about this kind of stacking and this software I can’t really tell.

ah … the upload is at 988mb so far, so it’s pretty fast tonight :slight_smile:

yes, that’s for sure a good idea.

ok @sguyader here you go:!AqbB12XnzX2CoTY97IRVDo8O4MkQ

that was pretty fast tonight.

Great, downloading right now, I hope it won’t fail this time.

Edit: bad news, I again get a failure after dowloading 466MB… I guess it’s my connection, having trouble downloading over http these days… If someone can make a torrent…

Strange, I was able to complete the download from my smartphone over the Wifi, while my laptop failed… Anyways now have got the set, I’ll try and see what Siril can do.

So, I used the M42 image set from I was able to process master flat, master dark, and apply those to light frames. So far, no crash at all, the software seems to behave well. However, I need to go through the documentation because I apparently didn’t use all the correct options: I end up with a grey scale image which seems to show the raw CFA pattern.

Anyways, this 0.9.3 version seems stable to me.

Here’s a result after correct demosaicing of the raw files, dark/flat frames substraction, registration (stars aligning) and stacking:

The result was saved as 16-bit TIFF image, and then quickly processed in Rawtherapee.

The original author at did a much better job at postrocessing than I did:

Another take at postprocessing in RT, which brings me closer to the author’s version:

So, back to the object of this thread: Siril seems to work great and is IMO good option for the Linux platform.

I am one of the developers of Siril.
If you don’t want to compile, packages exist for some GNU/linux OSes and are available here: Siril:0.9.3 - FreeAstro.
However, we are currently working on the 0.9.4 version which will be released in few weeks (I hope). This version fixes a lot of bugs and brings some new features: Change Log - Old Siril bugs. From now on, use the the gitlab project instead:

We try our best to update tutorial website but sometimes we are late.
For preprocessing, take a look here: Siril:Manual - FreeAstro

Best regards,


@lock042 thanks for your work. I followed the tutorials on your website, but there’s a lot to read! In fact I found that the help bubbles in the program, when moving the mouse cursor over the different option boxes, very helpful.

I’ve gone ahead and added this to the Software page - sorry for the delay!

Thank you very much :slight_smile:

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We would also be happy to host a quick tutorial or small write-up if you’d like to put something together? :wink:

OK. I will try, but I need some time

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[quote=“lock042, post:23, topic:1745”]
However, we are currently working on the 0.9.4 version which will be released in few weeks (I hope). This version fixes a lot of bugs and brings some new features: Change Log - Old Siril bugs. From now on, use the the gitlab project instead:
[/quote]Built the new code from trunk. It doesn’t crash anymore which is fantastic. The alignment still doesn’t work for my (untracked wide field) shots. But I can now use the stacking which is awesome. Would be nice if I could directly feed it tiffs though. :slight_smile: So a big thank you from my side too.

Siril use to process untracked wide field in many cases.
You can set property parameters of your star detection in Analysis ->Dynamic PSF


Deep sky images align perfectly with 0.9.3, I haven’t tried wide field yet.

Yesterday I released the 0.9.4beta in the svn braches (siril - Revision 2589: /branches/0.9).
I hope I will find the time to build packages.
