Sony A7iv raw lossless compressed & uncompressed support

I am thinking of upgrading to Sony a7iv so I downloaded few sample raw files from imaging resource, dpreview etc and found that DT is unable to open few of the raw files. This camera is available for quite some time now and the files were lossless variety so What is the status of support for such files?

Lossless is not supported yet:

Uncompressed and lossy are.

See also Can't open α7SⅢ RAW images in darktable and RawTherapee and Sony Alpha 1 (ILCE-1) support


Similarly, RawTherapee does not yet support lossless compressed raw for similar reasons (e.g. people haven’t gotten around to it yet).

I have an A7M4 so it’s on my TODO list but since the workaround is easy (shoot lossy compressed or uncompressed) it’s been low priority for me.

ART probably handles it since it now uses libraw. I’m half tempted to just forget about bodging support into RT for the camera vs. just moving RT to libraw after 5.9 gets out…

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It seems that lossless compressed for the A7 Mark IV is now supported!!! Hopefully this will be released in DT 4.4 (couldn’t find mention of that in the release notes for 4.4).

Thanks to the developers :+1:

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