Starnet in 1.2.0-beta2

Can you try relocating the whole starnet folder to someplace else than C:\Program Files?
This is a special folder that needs special permissions. Could be blocking the execution


Well I Uninstaller and reinstalled both Siril and Starnet++. I then reinstalled Siril and it put itself in the Programs folder. I installed Starnet++ on the Desktop. Got the same result with the drag and drop on Starnet and when I enter the command in the Siril command line.

Im getting that starnet isnt found! I cant even get the thing ready to launch.

Probably because StarNet CLI can’t work on your machine.

Well i have avx so what other requirments are there? It just cant find it. For some reason the exicute button stays grey with no starnet being found when i have the un zipped file. Idk man. Super strange.

If you don’t show us error messages we won’t be able to help. Try running starnet CLI outside siril first please.

Hi, I am having the same issue, I have installed the latest version of Siril, 1.2.0-rc1 and downloaded Starnet++ v2 (StarNet2CLI-Win). Starnett is installed in my c directory, not program files.

I have uninstalled Siril, reinstalled Siril, downloaded Starnett again all to no avail. Siril itself works beautifully!

I can see Starnett under Preferences, Miscellaneous, but the following error is displayed when trying StarNet removal: No valid StarNet executable found in the configured StarNet installation directory, check your StarNet installation and Siril configuration. Execute button is disabled.

Running on a i5 Intel Core i5-5200U with Windows 10.

Please help!

Hello, try running starnet CLI outside siril first please.

Will do Vincent, just how do I do that?

Right, if I drag and drop the rgb_test5.tif file onto the application icon (starnet++.exe) i get a bunch of errors about .dll not being found: The code execution cannot proceed because MSVCP140.dll was not found. Reinstalling the program may fix the problem. and then same messages for the following dll’s: VCRUNTIME140_1.DLL & VCRUNTIME140.DLL

If you cannot make StarNet works, for sure Siril won’t.
You need to fix that before.

You might try installing the latest Visual C++ Redistributable from Microsoft.

Grab the latest under the Visual Studio 2015, 2017, 2019, and 2022 section from the link below.

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Amazing! Thank you guys! Done and it works!!

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I am getting this same error in Windows 11. “No valid StarNet executable found in the configured Starnet installation directory, Check your StarNet installation and Siril Configuration”

Works fine on my Windows 10 machine, not on my Windows 11 lap top. I have read the forums, and suggestions. Still have not seen a clear explanation of why this happens to some users of Win 11 and not others.

Have you aware of how to fix this problem on Windows 11 Pro?

|Edition|Windows 11 Pro

|Installed on|‎3/‎8/‎2023|
|OS build|22621.1848|
|Experience|Windows Feature Experience Pack 1000.22642.1000.0|

Thanks for your help and your great Siril tutorials.
Best regards.
Michael - N9XY
N9XY on Astrobin

Thanks!!! this fixed my problem with Windows 11!!

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Problem resolved… Thanks

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Please excuse the late reply. Rich from Deep Space Astro, thanks Rich, was able to point me to my Intel Pentium G4560T; it does not feature AVX . That explained what was/is going on. Thank you all for your help and sorry to have bothered you with “my issue”, not a a Siril or Startnet++ issue. Please continue with your great work.


Still having a problem running starnet on Siri 1.2. Downloaded unzipped. No firewall . No windows defender stopping the file running. Won’t find starnet++.
Processor is a pentium N6000
Downloaded latest visual C+C and installed. Still won’t execute.
Tried to run application from folder
Message application was unable to start correctly (0xc0000142)
Any help would be appreciated

For all people wondering why starnet doesn’t launch, please run it outside siril first. It’s not siril’s fault if it’s not supported by your computer or badly installed for some reason.
Garry, your processor does not support the vectorization instructions required by starnet, I don’t think there is a way to bypass that. The error message will be obtained by executing starnet alone.

Thanks Vincent
Good to know a straight answer
Will save me a lot of time
Shame as computer brand new acer
Purchased for the software